*NOTE:* This article solves the mystery of how 9/11 was implemented -
through the use of specific black budget exotic technologies.  It is worth
your while reading as a concerned citizen - of the U.S. or of the world.

As the article states, "The principal barriers to use of this *prima
facie*eyewitness, whistleblower and documentary evidence in criminal
of the perpetrators of the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 are
(1) A U.S. government truth
embargo<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga53vcjfRX0>around these black
budget technologies; (2) An active campaign by agencies
such as the National Security Agency
disrupt the 9/11 truth movement, and any prosecution of the true high
level perpetrators of the 9/11 false flag operation, such as former U.S.
President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, and Secretary of
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; and (3) *a denial paradigm within the 9/11 truth
the mainstream media, the international justice system, and a significant
constituency of the public that these exotic technologies exist and may have
been used by high-ranking officials and individuals in the commission of the
9/11 false flag operation*.*"*

We are circulating this article to you because its URL was blocked in a
sophisticated manner and you deserve to evaluate these alternative
possibilities for yourself.

*Click here to read full article and watch ExopoliticsTV analysis:*


Introduction to article
Antigravity UFO, Tesla time travel, directed energy weapons, mini-nukes:
four U.S. black ops in 9/11
Alfred Lambremont

   - August 13th, 2010 5:26 pm

YouTube: Excerpt of Richard D. Hall analysis of 9/11 antigravity UFO
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 *This article is part of an ongoing Examiner.com series on U.S. black
budget exotic technologies, their use in the 9/11 false flag psyops, and the
consequent impact on humanity’s social and exopolitical future.*

New computer analysis <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFIGeINof0Y&NR=1> by
UK researcher Richard D. Hall has revealed that an anti-gravity remote
controlled UFO drone may have been used to hit World Trade Center tower 2 on
September 11, 2001.  Mr. Hall made this analysis public in two
out in the Examiner.com article below.

Mr. Hall’s analysis of a possible an anti-gravity remote controlled UFO
drone used to hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 is the subject of an
exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont
Webre<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga53vcjfRX0>with UFO, reverse
speech and video analysis expert Jon
Kelly (Vancouver UFO
available for viewing by Examiner.com in the article below.

According to Mr. Hall’s analysis, a remote-controlled anti-gravity UFO,
clearly visible in video footage, was intentionally guided into World Trade
Center tower 2 on 9/11.  News and other video footage showing images of a
jetliner hitting WTC tower 2 is due, according to Mr. Hall’s analysis, to
after the fact editing. Another remote-controlled antigravity UFO, according
to Mr. Hall was most probably guided into World Trade Center Tower 1.

Project Camelot whistleblower Aaron
also revealed in that U.S. secret antigravity craft that he traveled
possessed a stealth camouflage capability to appear and sound like a
commercial jetliner, such as a Boeing 747.

Jon Kelly’s analysis of the 9/11 antigravity UFO, which identifies the
September 11, 2001 false flag operation as “a showcase for exotic military
technologies including black project UFO's” is set out in the ExopoliticsTV
interview video below.

A total of four advanced exotic technologies exclusively in the possession
of U.S. black budget military intelligence have now been inked to use in the
9/11 false flag psychological operation by an executive command and control
network that reaches to the highest levels of U.S. government,
military-intelligence, and world political and financial elites.

Examiner.com reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has identified these four U.S.
black budget exotic technologies as key to identifying, planning and/or
carrying out the 9/11 false flag psyops:

(1) 9/11 remote controlled antigravity UFO (Richard D. Hall, researcher;
Project Camelot whistleblower Aaron McCollum);

(2) Quantum access Tesla-based time travel
access images of 9/11 in 1971 (Andrew D. Basiago, DARPA Project

(3) Directed Energy
although not necessarily HAARP) for controlled demolition of World
Trade Center towers by molecular dissociation (Researchers Dr. Judy Wood and
another independent scientist)

(4) 4th Generation
controlled demolition of World Trade Center towers (Independent

The principal barriers to use of this *prima facie* eyewitness,
whistleblower and documentary evidence in criminal prosecution of the
perpetrators of the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 are (1) A
U.S. government truth embargo
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga53vcjfRX0>around these black budget
technologies; (2) An active campaign by agencies
such as the National Security Agency
disrupt the 9/11 truth movement, and any prosecution of the true high
level perpetrators of the 9/11 false flag operation, such as former U.S.
President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, and Secretary of
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; and (3) a denial paradigm within the 9/11 truth
the mainstream media, the international justice system, and a significant
constituency of the public that these exotic technologies exist and may have
been used by high-ranking officials and individuals in the commission of the
9/11 false flag operation.

The false flag operation of September 11, 2001 provided a legislative,
political and media
for the launching of a worldwide war on terror by the U.S. and ‘allies,’ and
a domestic police state worldwide.

*Click here to read full article and watch ExopoliticsTV analysis:*

*Continues at: *

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

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