Tong and Tseung crude, primitive magnetic generator
according to Bedini methods.

--- In, "muckblit" <muckb...@...> wrote:
> I guess war with China and notion of a diff between Brzezhinksy
> and neocons might be the biggest ideas. Afghanistan is partly about
> liberating the poppies in 2001 to raise production from low 100's
> to 4000 tons a year of opium, then to block the Iran to China and
> the Pakistan to China pipelines for Iranian oil/gas.
> Neocons are crazy enough to bomb Iran via US or Israel. Russia and
> Iran have common interests in Caspian oil and somehow managing
> the addiction of their people to opium while profits go around them
> through the al-CIA-duh corridors which base terrorism against Iran
> and separatism against Russian periphery essential to pipelines to
> Germany and Europe.
> Then there is the timing. If the US economic collapse accelerates
> then bombing Iran might seem like a good distraction to restore
> public confidence in the international looters.
> The Chinese are about to market a 5kw magnetic generator. We
> made a Hamel spinning disc from speaker magnets and then the
> Leedskalnin magnet motors are very sophisticated. Merely
> emulsifying fuel and water using ultrasound removes NOx
> from diesel emissions while greatly increasing efficiency.
> The US hegemonic coup state is the British empire extended.
> al-CIA-duh and BP oil spill are modern day versions of the
> Venetian bankers hiring the asian hordes to steal gold and
> then Barbary pirates having English and Dutch captains.
> Centralization of all things, including energy and dope and
> currency and credit, depends on centralizing information
> flow. That is so plain in some of their documents and symbols.
> -Bob
> --- In, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> thehatefulnerd@ wrote:
> >
> > What say'st thee, Bob?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sunday, August 22, 2010
> > Iran Situation and WW3
> > Ok, there is alot of talk about a war with Iran right now. I think
> these concerns are legit. World War 3 (with China) has been scheduled
> for 2015 for over 20 years now. Due to economic factors, this agenda
> might be ramped up a bit. This will start with Iran, a major source of
> Chinese petroleum and spread from there. The whole idea of the
> Afghanistan conflict is to block the Chinese from putting oil
> through the region. That's the big factor, the opium production and
> untapped mineral wealth are important too, but secondarily so.
> > Remember the Bosnian conflict of the 90s? Well that enabled the US
> set up the Kosovo Liberation Army, the KLA. This was a forward base of
> operations supporting the Chenya conflict, aimed against Russia. (Yes,
> oil producing region.) The KLA are a mafia that funnels Afghan opium,
> transported by the Kurds, into Europe. The proceeds fund CIA black
> operations worldwide and may also be funneled through the Cayman
> and other offshore locations to support Wall Street when necessary.
> Jimmy Carter got into office, he appointed Stansfield Turner to direct
> the CIA. His job was to throw out Poppy Bush and "The Boys." So they
> "privatized." The KLA traffic narcotics, weapons, women, children and
> terror. But they seem to specialize in Eastern European women and
> children. Along with Dyncorp.
> > This was serious business to Russia, as they view this region as
> of their cultural sphere of influence. World War 3 almost broke out in
> '00 with the sinking of the Kursk. The Russians didn't like that at
> When the US went to war with Iraq 3 years later, thousands of Russian
> troops volunteered to fight in Iraq. Against us. What few weapons the
> Iraqi resistance did not obtain through Poppy Bush and Hillary
> American LaFarge group, they got from Russia. Didn't you know the
> Clintons work for the Bushes? Ha ha ha. The Bushes work for the
> Harrimans. The Harrimans work for the Rockefellers.
> > When Bernanke talks about "dropping money from helicopters" to
> deflation, what he really means is funneling money into the economy
> through establishment supported (and protected) organized criminal
> activity. (This activity is hardly limited to Kosovo. It goes back to
> WW2. And even farther to the Opium Wars. But I digress.)
> > As to Tarpley's analysis of US dollar hegemony, I must say I concur.
> You can see in my archives how I was tracking the fall of the Euro.
> trend is your friend, until it ends, because then, it bends!) Well, I
> had a total hardware crash and haven't recovered yet, so I haven't
> following it lately, but I guess it's looking like the trend may be
> over. I still think the Anglo-Americans will win, though. LOL.
> > Here's one thing Tarpley doesn't bring up. Yeah, the Anglo-Americans
> want to maintain US Petrodollar hegemony. But I don't think they
> necessarily want to create demand for US dollars by increasing the
> of oil. If they could get more for oil, they'd love that, but the
> of oil (and gold) is an indicator of inflation. They want their
> to SEEM like it is worth more than it really is, so they can get more
> for it, even though they print it out of nothing. The whole point of
> Militarization of the US (and the war on Iraq) is that we want to use
> our military to force other countries to take our losses for us.
> started selling oil in Euros. Bad, bad Saddam!
> > Here's the real issue, as far as I'm concerned. This is called
> "Petrodollar recycling." Imagine you go to the store and you buy
> whatever you want. You write a check out to pay for it. Now instead of
> cashing that check, the store LENDS THE MONEY BACK TO YOU. Pretty good
> system, isn't it? Well, now imagine it's 40 years later, and they
> start CASHING ALL THOSE CHECKS. Well, the Saudis have been taking all
> the money we spend on oil and investing it back into US dollar
> denominated assets. That's part of a secret agreement Kissinger made
> with them in the 70s. They even got their own plates to print out US
> dollar paper money. But if you hold trillions of dollars, and the
> keeps being worth less and less, you're losing alot of wealth.
> > Here's what's going to happen. Israel will attack Iran. Sooner or
> later. Obama is against it. He's doing what he can, but he only has so
> much power. Brzezinski is his boss.
> > Brzezinski has been busy promoting "Color Revolutions" throughout
> Eastern Europe that past five years or so. George Soros and the
> Endowment for Democracy are his boys. Anyway, the goal is to encircle
> China geopolitically. With military bases and shit.
> > Well Brzezinski's big thing is proxy war. Originally he wanted to
> diplomacy to get Iran on our side. (I use the term "our" rather
> LOL. It refers to the Anglo-American Global Dominance Group.) Anyway,
> his original plan was to use Iran to attack Russia. He's crazy. He
> up in Poland during WW2 and has alot of crazy bitterness towards
> He's an old line cold warrior. His bloodline has a perverse
> multi-century aristocratic feud with Russia. He also bears a striking
> resemblance to The Abominable Dr. Phibes. But once again I digress.
> > The NeoCons are too powerful for Brzezinski's Trilateralist faction.
> think this is some sort of compromise. Amadinejad himself works for
> NeoCons, imo. That's another factor, as do Merkel and Sarkozy. So it's
> looking like Iran is "back on the table." It will start between Israel
> and Iran, but it won't end there. China will move against Taiwan.
> the fuse that will ignite a new World War. (Russia and China will
> an "Axis of Evil" with Iran. They won't be for us, they'll be against
> us!)
> > It's just a grand geopolitical experiment, really. The US is right
> where Britain was 100 years ago. But the British military had been
> depleted in the Boer War. The US, like Britain then, is the
> widely acknowledged yet declining superpower. China is in the position
> the US was 100 years ago. A vast untapped workforce on the brink of
> rising to world hegemony. But there is one difference. The US still
> unchallenged military supremacy. The British had to draw the US into
> wars with Germany in order to win, twice. So it's a grant experiment.
> Will military supremacy be enough to maintain global domination? We'll
> see! It will be a lesson for all of history. Interesting times!
> > Here's what will happen if the US wins World War 3. The US will
> gold and mineral wealth from China, repudiate all foreign debt and
> impose war reparations not unlike those that were imposed upon Germany
> after WW1. The US will continue to use it's military power to force
> other nations to take their losses for them. They will continue to
> losses not because of poor economic policy, but because of continued
> siphoning of wealth by the oligarchs. The entire planet will be
> enslaved!
> > If China wins, they will do the same thing, only instead of the
> Rockefellers being the oligarchs, it will be the Soong and the Li
> families. LOL.
> >

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