Adult services censored on Craigslist,  Children among 100s raped in  
Congo, U.N. says 

Adult services censored on Craigslist By the CNN Wire  Staff
September 4, 2010 (CNN) -- Embattled online classified service  Craigslist 
apparently made a change to its website early Saturday, censoring its  adult 
services section. The section that usually reads "adult services" was  
replaced by the word "censored." It was not immediately clear whether 
 removed the adult services and replaced them with the "censored" section 
that  had a link that was not active. But for users who accessed the account 
outside  the U.S., the erotic services link was still active. Craigslist 
representatives  were not immediately available for comment. The website has 
been under fire for  allegations that it promotes prostitution. Last week, 
attorneys general in 17  states banded together to urge Craigslist to 
discontinue its adult services.  "The increasingly sharp public criticism of 
Craigslist's Adult Services section  reflects a growing recognition that ads 
prostitution -- including ads  trafficking children -- are rampant on it," the 
attorneys general said in a  Tuesday letter to Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster 
and Founder Craig Newmark.  

Children among hundreds raped in Congo, U.N. says By the CNN  Wire Staff 
September 4, 2010 (CNN) -- More than two dozen children were among  the 
hundreds raped by armed rebels in the war-torn eastern Democratic Republic  of 
Congo, the United Nations said.
Twenty-seven minors, including one boy,  were among the victims, the U.N. 
said Friday. One attempted rape was also  reported.
The children were among 240 people raped by Rwandan and Congolese  rebels 
who raided villages in North Kivu province between July 30 and August 3,  aid 
groups said. Attackers blocked roads and prevented villagers from reaching  
outside communications. Many homes were also looted.

Many of the victims  were raped by two to six men, according to the United 
Nations Organization  Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of 
the Congo  (MONUSCO).
MONUSCO, the United Nations peacekeeping force in the country,  raised the 
number of victims after earlier reports put it at 156.
Since the  rapes were first publicly reported on August 22, more victims 
have come forward,  the force said. 

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