Subject: Terry Nichols -- Herington explosives cache -- Federal grand jury

From: "Stephen P. Dresch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Terry Nichols -- Herington explosives cache -- Federal grand jury
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 00:04:33 -0400

A second source reports that Terry Nichols was taken from Florence ADMAX on Thursday, 9 June, to appear before a grand jury in Denver. It is claimed that Nichols' attorney, Brian Hermanson, was physically present in Denver and available for consultation with Nichols. Questions focused on "others" involved in OKC bombing. While Nichols initially was somewhat responsive, he changed his stance when he concluded that he was being "manipulated," specifically when the questioning purposefully avoided Roger Moore and Karen Anderson. This is apparently the point at which he refused to respond to questions other than those of a congressional committee. For obvious reasons, Nichols is not concerned with a contempt-of-court citation. Nichols apparently claims that he has "proof" (documents in a safe) of the involvement of various TDs ("Top Dogs") behind McVeigh, including one TD who occupies a high position in the US govt.

While I am inclined to credit the potentially verifiable "facts" (Denver, 9 June, grand jury, Hermanson's presence), I have no opinion on other claims (focus of questioning, TDs, etc.).

Stephen P. Dresch wrote:

    FYI, a source (close to members of Terry Nichols' family) has reported to a colleague that Nichols was recently (last week, possibly) called as a witness by a federal grand jury. The grand jury was apparently inquiring into the Herington explosives cache and, inter alia, questioned Nichols about Greg Scarpa, Jr. Nichols claims that he refused to testify, said that he would speak only in response to a Congressional subpoena. Nichols apparently fears that the FBI has put out the word at Florence ADMAX that he has become a "snitch" and that his life is in danger as a result. [Note that there have been two inmate killings at Florence ADX in the last couple of months, the first in its decade-plus history.]

Source didn't know where this grand jury is sitting. I assume that Nichols appeared from Florence via closed-circuit television.

Source also claims that, in the past, FBI has offered T. Nichols "deals" if he would (a) implicate his brother, James, in OKC bombing and (b) "admit" that he placed a warning call (to FBI?) two days before OKC bombing

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