Dear Dr Awatar S. Sekhon and My Sikh Brothers, Hello
Let me first of all greet you with the beautiful message
"Sat Sati Akaal." (I hope I have pronounced it correctly).
It has always been my great pleasure, indeed an honour, to read
your postings on the issues affecting Sikhs and their highly
illuminating and brilliant religion. Kirpa hai Rab dee (I am thankful
to God Almighty) that I count amongst my best friends some
wonderful, worthy and noble Sikhs and their families.
Absilutely, I agree with you that 'the Brahminism has always feared
the Sikh faith and that the Sikh Gurus proclaimed the equality
of all  humanity and rejected practices like caste, holy threads
and worship of the  cow.'
During my trip to India - Nai Dilli, Amritsar, Mumbai, Kolkata, I met up with
some people from various Sikh and non-Sikh organizations. It is also a fact
that the Rashtri Sikh Sangat has begun  to enter Sikh villages and had
started to distribute literature about the Sikh faith and hold meetings.
The unsuspecting villagers thought that it was an  attempt to revive
Sikh pride, but in fact, the literature was written to show Sikhs to be a
part of Hinduism. This is arrogance and religious bigotry, which we condemn
forthwith and support you and other Akali brothers march towards
realisation of your aspirations for sepearte identity and sovereignty.

Being a Parsi, I had been brought up to love and respects all religions and to walk a path of moderation, secular thought, truth and justice. Early years of my life were spent in the great city of Karachi, the capital of Sindh. In 1960s we moved to Souh Africa.

My days and experoences of Karachi are still fresh in my memory. Most of my friends used to be Sindhis - both Hindu and Muslims and also some Katchi and Baloch from Mithadar and Kharadar. I had never met Punjabis during those days. I found Sindhi people so humble, modest and geberous that, at times, their large and kind-heartedness used to be an embarasment for a young materialistic Parsi like myself.  Apart from their beautiful culture, language, history and music, I was extremely attracted and impressed by their love and respect for other religions and cultures. they not just tolerated each other - Hindus and Muslims - they really accepted each other and other's faith.

They had a common bond that glued them together - an understanding and practice of Sufi philosophy and thought and their reverance for poets Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai and Sachal Sarmast - the great Sindhi poets - and, Bulleh Shah, Sultan Bahu and Ghulam Farid - the great Seraiki and Punjabi poets. I had always found Sindhis cultured and civilised people.

Today, Sindhis are in doldrums and drowning in the murky waters of hatred from the Punjabis of West Punjab and their way of life, values and traditions mauled and murdered by the Faujees (the Army) most, if not all, are from Punjab.

Hungry, thirsty, poverty-stricken Sindhis are fighting for their existence - their land occupied, their values under siege, their language destroyed, their culture and civilisation massacred. They are screaming in agony and pain - with wounds and abrasions all over their body, heart, mind and soul. My humble request and appeal to you, Doctor Sahib, and all the great and venerable sons and daughters of Khalsa, is to support Sindhis in their valiant struggle for    survival as a proud nation and for their fight for self-determination, achievment of their human rights and for saving their language and culture. Jai Waahei Guru Jee kee!!!  

Your friend, well-wisher and admirer, Dr Homi Wadia

"Dr. Awatar S. Sekhon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Forwarded Message
From: Gurmit Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 12 Jul 2005 21:31:11 +1000
Cc: "Prof. Darshan Singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
RE: Illustrated: Hinduization of Sikh Faith & History

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