Absolutely, they just want to come to one conclusion - bombers
were Muslims, although British born and bred, but their origins
from somewhere else (Pakistan in this case) and both Polioce and
Govt. want to wash their hands off - CASE CLOSED!!!!
May God Bless us all, Homi Wadia

sumerian100 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri Jul 15, 2005  11:13 am

Subject: Findings before formal investigation 

British police is jumping towards conclusion before mature
investigation like PM Tony.

Muslim youths who were reported missing or killed in explosions are
labelled as bombers prior to any substantive evidence keeping in
view the situation in Iraq and British envolment in that.

Why a list of Irish or Scotish youth is not made and suspected
whereas they have stronger differences with british rulers than
muslim youth.

Why a public interaction is not arranged with Irish or scotish youth
as daily Guardian arranged with muslim youth just to provoke them.

It is high time to resist unjust accusations of British government /
British police and insist on providing a solid proof.

Islam is not in favour of cutting fruitful tree even during the war
what to talk of killing innocent people.

Irish and scotish minorities have very strong differences with
English majority and it is also one of the possible causes.

Lord Ahmed knows very well how tony government wanted to colour 9/11
incident and cosequently attacked Iraq for an undone sin of WMDs.

False Evidences: Its credibility is suspicious because findings are
declared before investigation.

A Commentry

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