The news is that "Vietnam Finds Oil in the Basement".............."If its current rate of development continues, Vietnam will become the world's 30th largest oil-producing nation." 

The Team of Evil Predators - USA, UK, FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI5 - will now get together to force their way in - or as they say gate-crash-the-party - and make sure that most of this oil goes to the lands of Barbarica - the English speaking lands of USA, UK, Australia and Israel.

If the 'peaceful' cajoling, bribery, threats, warnings, WMD diplomacy does not work, then sanctions will be imposed through the loyal servant the United nations and when the resolve, physical, economica, social, spiritual and political of the Vietnam is at an ebb, these crimminals will send their F16s and 16-year old boys and girls hungry Black and Hispanic citizens, to invade and grab it by force. They will use chemicals, WMDs, nerve gas and their nuclear arsenal and the fleets of Nuclear-lathed aircraft carriers to occupy the Vietynamese and all other fields where oil is found. They have done it in Iraq!!! Thay have done it in Afghanistan and Pakistan!!! They have done it in Central Asia!! Who is going to stop them?

Remember, someobe said not so long time ago that weak people must not be allowed to live, the poor and hungry people must be shot and annihilated - the rich, strong and advanced nations must prevail and rule over these weaklling. Was it Hitler? I am not sure. But, these pronouncements certainly echo in the planes and fields of Iraq and elsewhere and the voice sounds like Demonic Nush, his 'poodle' Blair, the Get-Rich-Quickly Architect Rumsfeld and their ecil cronies. And they will blame it all on Al-Qaeda and the Muslims as they did in the past blaming it on the then Soviet Union and Communism.

God Bless us all, Dr Homi Wadia    

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