William Doyle has become one of the main lightening rods of the 9/11 
truth movement, saying President Bush and his cronies are the 
biggest stumbling block in getting at the real truth. Involved as 
one of the plaintiffs in a trillion dollar 9/11 lawsuit, he wants 
the American people to know Bush is hiding vital documents that 
could lead to the truth.
August 6, 2005 
By Greg Szymanski

What happened to William Doyle, shouldn?t happen to any man. It?s 
something you wouldn?t wish on your worst enemy or something a 
parent shouldn?t have to experience in a hundred lifetimes.

But on the morning of 9/11 the unthinkable happened. On the morning 
of 9/11, Doyle lost his 25-year-old son, Joseph, who was among the 
approximately 3,000 who perished at Ground Zero. 

On that tragic morning when Doyle first heard reports of a jetliner 
striking the top floors of the North Tower, it must have felt like 
he was standing in the fiery flames of hell, not his comfortable New 
York home.

And Doyle recalls when the jetliner hit the towers feeling like a 
bolt of lightening passed through his body, knowing his young son 
was in one of the worst possible places, working on the 101st floor 
at Cantor Fitzgerald in the North Tower.

?The last time I talked to Joseph was the night before when we were 
talking football and about the Green Bay Packers,? said Doyle, 58, a 
former stockbroker, in an extended telephone conversation this week 
from his New York home. ?He was very excited about his new job at 
Cantor and for a long time after, my wife and I held out hope that 
somehow Joseph survived.?

Tragically, however, his son became one of the 658 Cantor employees 
who never made it out of the WTC. Tragically, like so many other 
family members who lost loved ones, Doyle has had to undergo ?a 
living hell? in every aspect concerning the WTC attacks,
from the emotional pain and scars of losing a son to the callous 
arrogance and outright lies from the Bush administration.

?They have blocked every avenue into getting at the truth behind 
9/11,? said Doyle, referring to the shallow and unfounded 9/11 
Commission findings as well as the Bush administration?s failure to 
release known information about the financial ties to 9/11.

But in the face of government lies and numerous roadblocks, Doyle 
has remained strong and steadfast in his search for the truth, 
fighting the ?good fight,? for four long years and doing it 
especially for his son and for all the others who lost their lives.

He has taken the government head on in almost every issue and aspect 
of 9/11, becoming one of the leading vanguards in most every 
possible issue imaginable. In the past, he has fought politicians on 
Capitol Hill to get sensitive 9/11 financial information released, 
fought with the 9/11 Commission to get truthful testimony into the 
official record, taken on the bureaucracy to help victims receive 
assistance and even goes out of his way to get counseling for every 
victim or family member who needs it.

?When it?s about 9/11, it usually passes through Bill Doyle,? he 
said, referring to his tireless and active involvement with the 9/11 
truth movement. ?Just the other day I received a call from a man in 
Minneapolis who lost his daughter on 9/11. He said this was the 
first time he was able to talk about it for all these years. We 
talked for hours and the next morning I had a counselor at his 
doorstep to help him out.?

Besides his emotional ties to the victims and his efforts to make 
sure everybody he comes in contact with gets the needed 
psychological and emotional help, Doyle takes an active role as one 
of the thousands of plaintiffs involved in an active trillion dollar 
lawsuit filed against the alleged financial perpetrators of 9/11. 

The ongoing suit, filed by the South Carolina firm of Motley Rice, 
is attempting to recover damages for the victims by uncovering the 
money trail behind 9/11, which eventually leads to the true 
perpetrators who caused the mass murder of approximately 3,000 

And Doyle said what?s so strange about uncovering the truth about 
the financial trail is that the U.S. government has been the main 
obstacle, not foreign banks or governments. 

?There was a 28 page bi-partisan report released to the government, 
headed by Sen. Phil Grahm, which should tell us about who funded 
9/11,? said Doyle about information sought by attorneys from Motley 
Rice, one of the only law firms in the country able to afford to 
handle this massive civil suit, which has already cost the firm over 
25 million in expenses. 

?This report has since been kept secret and classified by the Bush 
administration ever since they go their hands on it. Our lawyers 
have repeatedly asked for this information, but the administration 
will not release it. What are they hiding?

?Recently, I sent letters to all the lawmakers on Capitol Hill, 
including the White House, demanding this information be released so 
we can get at the truth. After making a lot of noise, I finally 
heard from the White House press secretary, who released a statement 
that the information was now not classified but could not be 
released since it may jeopardize sources being investigated by the 

?What does that mean? I think I means they want to still cover up 
the truth and cover up our government?s involvement in bringing 
about 9/11. And the key to uncovering the true perpetrators of 9/11 
may very well be in this 28 page document.?

Regarding the ongoing lawsuit filed against numerous American, Saudi 
Arabian and other foreign interests, it has become a legal 9/11 
storage bin and a treasure chest for 9/11 researchers eager to 
uncover what attorneys are finding about the long and complicated 
9/11 paper trail.

Doyle said Motley Rice, the firm famous for first defeating the 
powerful tobacco industry, has hired the world?s most pre-eminent 
and respected terrorist investigator, Jean Claude Risard of France, 
who supposedly has uncovered a wealth of startling 9/11 information, 
revealing Israeli and American involvement in 9/11 which will shock 
many Americans once it is revealed.

Of course, Doyle isn?t at liberty to talk specifics about the high-
profile and complicated law suit still under intense litigation, he 
did say he has no doubt in his mind that the government either 
allowed 9/11 to occur or had an active role in it.

?I honestly don?t believe the government story,? said Doyle, adding 
everything about the official story and the follow-up investigation 
has not lived up to his or most all the other victims and survivors 
expectations. ?The 9/11 Commission report doesn?t even begin to get 
at the truth. They ignored most of he family members serious 
questions and failed to even incorporate the findings of the 28 page 
bipartisan report looking into the financial links to 9/11 as well 
as any solid information leading to names involved with insider 
trading stock profits and 9/11.

?In fact, they didn?t even include testimony made by William 
Rodriguez, the janitor who has solid evidence about explosions in 
the WTC basement and other vital testimony from witnesses who 
basically ripped into shreds the official government story.?

And Doyle?s claims of a shoddy 9/11 Commission has received 
tremendous support among victims and survivors who responded in mass 
over an email he sent demanding the 28 page financial report 
concerning 9/11 be released by the government.

?I sent out an email making this fact known and I received over 
1,400 responses from families in agreement that all this financial 
data should be released to the American people,? said Doyle.

Becoming a virtual funnel for all new 9/11 information coming 
forward, Doyle said he was recently approached by a man, who gave 
him information and documents linking the Mossad to 9/11.

?He came to my door with documents saying he could prove the Mossad 
was involved the hijackers through their association with them 
through flight schools,? said Doyle about the man whose identity is 
being protected for his safety. 

?When he left the information, he tore a dollar bill in half, 
keeping half and giving me the other half, saying whoever I choose 
to give the information to must present the torn dollar bill. ?If 
this information checks out, it could provide another solid link to 
what really happened on 9/11.

Besides the suspicious man who came to his doorstep, Doyle said 
another story ignored by the 9/11 Commission and cover-up by the 
government involves the actions of terrorist ringleader, Muhammad 
Atta, the night before 9/11 when he stayed at the Comfort Inn in 
Portland Maine.

?I know the 9/11 Commission took the testimony of the night manager 
at the Comfort Inn, but never included it in its final report,? said 
Doyle. ?Also I know the FBI confiscated the hotel?s surveillance 
tapes, never making them public. The night manager insisted that 
there was a third person along with Atta and the other hijacker 
reported to be with him at the Portland airport. Supposedly this 
third person never boarded the plane, but for some reason no one 
wants to bother to find him. 

?What we really need is an entire new investigation to answer all 
the questions not answered by the 9/11Commission,? said Doyle, who 
is urging all Americans to support the victims and family members in 
fighting for this cause. ?I?ve heard so many stories from whistle 
blowers, compelling stories that need to be told that have been 
silenced by the government and the media.?

Doyle recalls one of the most mind boggling stories about the 9/11 
investigation not released to the public, only appearing briefly on 
one NBC news broadcast over a year ago, is about a man cornered and 
suspiciously released by the FBI in 2000. The man, an alleged ?
muscle man? involved with the hijackers, apparently had vital 
information about his role in 9/11 and the attack which was about to 
take place.

However, for unknown reasons he was released by FBI and sent to 
England where there he was suspiciously released by M16 where he 
then went into hiding.

?I remember about a year and half ago, the London Times had an 
exclusive and finally ran the story, which was previously ignored 
here,? said Doyle. ?Once this story broke, I sent it out to over 300 
major media sources, as I have an extensive email list, but not one 
of them bothered to run the story. 

?Finally, NBC news picked up on the story and Liza Meyers ran with 
it on the nightly news, but nobody else that I know of even bothered 
to pick it up.?

Doyle also likes to tell the story of when he met face to face with 
FBI Director Robert Mueller, who he said became confused and very 
evasive when he posed some difficult questions.

?I asked him about an FBI correspondence made to Los Angeles about 
two of the hijackers who were living with an FBI agent,? recalls 
Doyle, adding Mueller denied knowing anything about it, but became 
even more alarmed and evasive when Doyle refreshed his memory by 
provided the exact date the memo was sent on Aug. 13.

?He looked astonished that I had this information, but continue to 
deny even after I let it be known that I disagreed with the 
information and the answer I was getting.?

Regarding President Bush?s role in 9/11 and the war in Iraq, Doyle 
is not about to start mincing words or acting diplomatic at this 
stage of the game.

?I feel like he is shoving a lot of things under the rug, including 
9/11, and he wants to cover-up the true cause. I think the disgust 
over the Warren Commission findings pale in comparison to the cover-
up going on in 9/11,? said Doyle, adding Bush?s strange reaction in 
the school room upon being alerted of the WTC attacks seemed 
contrived, acting as if he already knew what was happening.

?Why did he just sit there reading for twenty minutes when the 
country was supposedly under attack??

Regarding the war in Iraq and the allegations in the infamous 
Downing Street Memo that Bush lied to the American people about 
weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion, he added:

?I really can?t believe he is really getting away with it,? said 
Doyle, adding Bush should be impeached for lying about WMD in Iraq, 
leading to the deaths of many young GI?s as well as countless of 
innocent Iraqi civilians.. ?There is no question in my mind that the 
Bush administration used 9/11 as an excuse for the war in Iraq and 
then he lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to invade 

Doyle, a former stockbroker, is outreach director for the WTC United 
Families Group and treasurer for the 9/11 Families Group. 

For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com.

Greg Szymanski 

Greg Szymanski
The Arctic Beacon 

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