Dear Friends, Peace and Love,


Thousands of years ago there was ONE most powerful

country in the world, which was ruled by a dynasty of

despots known as the Pharaohs. One fine day their savage

rule came to an end engineered by a simple man, a shepherd

with nothing in his hand but a piece of wood.


That scenario has been projected to our century with the

evolution of ONE most powerful nation in the world – the

United Sates of America - ruled by the most savage dynasty

of the world – the Bushs. The savagery transferred from

father to son, in the same way as Pharaohs did centuries ago.


All sins must be atoned and redeemed, all crimes must be

punished and recompensed, all savagery expiated. This

most vicious despot, brutally massacring our humanity, is

in trouble today as was the despot thousands of years ago.

Are we seeing the end of the Pharaohnic (or precisely,

Bushionic) tyranny in the world unleashed by the US and

its virulent vermin President? Is Hurricane Katrina going to

be  the female versio of the Moses of long time ago?  One

thing is clear – ‘Moses’ Katrina will have a devastating

effect on the economy of US. The nation used to sensual

comfort, obscene materialism and all this come cheap at

rock bottom cost, will not be able to bear the sudden loss

of their bodily, fleshly, temporal comfort and pleasures.


The Humpty Dumpty is soon going to have a great

fall – the fath ugly nation of false pride and treachery

will soon come tumbling down - and the King’s men

will not be able to put the pieces together!!


So, what are the signs of the fall of Humpty Dumpty?

To start with the US is going to experience a slow GDP

growth by 0.5 per cent. Reuters report that the costlier

fuel prices and damage to businesses following Hurricane

Katrina could slow U.S. economic growth by around a

half-percentage point over the rest of the year, Treasury

Secretary John Snow said on Tuesday.  The US federal

government could spend as much as $200 billion caring

for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and rebuilding from

its devastation.


Is this the beginning of an end? The economic effects

of Hurricane Katrina, like the human costs, are hard to

predict. But the disaster is already putting upward pressure

on oil prices at a time of strong demand, tight supply

and refining bottlenecks. These are not the only effects

that will reach beyond the flooded streets in time and

space. Economists are already hard at work, rewriting

their forecasts to account for the toll that Katrina may

yet take on the nation’s economy. The affected area’s

ports move a large fraction of America’s imports—including

critical oil and gas supplies—as well as roughly half its

grain exports. Action Economics, a market-analysis firm,

has already nudged its forecast for GDP growth down

to 4.4% from 4.6%, at an annualised rate, for the current

(third) quarter.


The Gulf of Mexico provides about a tenth of all the crude

oil consumed in America; and almost half of the petrol

produced in the country comes from refineries in the

states along the Gulf's shores. A greater percantage of the

region's natural gas production, and almost 80% of oil output,

is still shut down. The Department of Energy reported last

Thursday that ten refineries, processing 1.9m barrels per

day, were out of action.  This is bad news considering

that refineries had been running flat out in recent months

to keep up with high demand.


$70 oil and petrol futures at double the level of a year

ago raise the possibility of lingering economic effects,

particularly if the region’s oil infrastructure takes months

to get back online. With consumers stretched thin

and interest rates rising, a prolonged period of high

petrol prices might well force households to retrench,

because the pleasure-seeking Americans cannot live

without cars.


Experts had calculated that every one-cent rise in the

price of a gallon of petrol takes $1.3 billion out of

consumers’ pockets, which could trim as much as a

full percentage point off consumer spending this winter.

Speculation is growing that the Federal Reserve will 

halt its steady tightening of the money supply at its

next meeting, on September 20th.


Already there are calls for policy changes to fix the

flaws in America’s energy infrastructure exposed by

‘Moses’ Katrina: its tight refining capacity, its

dependence on offshore drilling in the hurricane-prone

Gulf, its love affair with big, inefficient cars. The

Senate committee on energy held a hearing on Tuesday

to explore some of these issues.


But oil and gas are not the only industries to be affected.

While construction companies and their suppliers are no

doubt gearing up for a bumper season when the waters

recede, agricultural exporters are busy looking for alternative

shipping routes if Gulf ports do not re-open soon. Particularly

hard-hit will be the corn harvest, which started last week, but

all farmers will suffer from higher energy prices. Insurers, of

course, will take a nasty hit to earnings from claims that may

run as high as $25 billion. And the combination of cancelled

flights and higher jet fuel prices threatens to push more

airlines into bankruptcy.


We are going to witness the end of Americas’ love affair

with large cars, casinos, pleasure houses, weapons of mass

destruction, their senseless adventures in space, their

dangeous testing of killer devices at their countless bases

all over the world, including Diego Garcia in the Indian

Ocean. American will have a sudden fall in their status

and living standards. They will not be able to stomach

such a lowering of their sensual life, pleasure of the flesh,

 especially, the white godless Americans. The

African-Americans, Hispanics and  Asians are born

in poverty, they know what poverty is, they appreciate

what poor living entail and they will come out of this

sudden change in their status completely unscathed,



Civilised World Must Unite Against Savagery, Dr Homi Wadia

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