"concerning of the company Far West Ltd (registred in Switzerland)
– this firm is ruling by Vladimir Filin, former officer of GRU. At the
site of this company (http://www.pravda.info/region/3601.html and
so on) recently were published very interesting articles about their
busyness in Afganistan: they export from this country carpets with
aid of American Air Force! “Carpets” are carring in American aircrafts
from military base in Bagram to American base in Kirghizia... May be
you know something about the ties of Far West Ltd and CIA?"

Denials of CIA complicity in drug smuggling are unremarkable,
aren't they?

In addition to buying the hallucinogenic herbs woodrose
and DMT from "retired" CIA western hemisphere director
of operations Col. Caldwell "JC" King's ANDCO, we CIA
brats encountered pound-denominated quantities of
Afghanistan black hashish which had a layer of white crystals
in the center. It was so strong that one puff would put a
person on an LSD trip, or frozen mushrooms as discovered in
a plastic bag in a freezer in a loft on Canal St, NYC, to sleep
the opium dream sleep(previous century, decades ago). It was
imported to the US inside of rugs woven by little Afghan girls
with tiny fingers. They make the best "Persian" style rugs in
the world. I've mentioned the rugs before. As far as airplanes,
that would explain how one might be certain the rugs would get
through customs. I didn't see that but could describe two
ex-Marines flying coke back after iran-contra arms delivery
flights. Rodney Stich's book is full of drug pilots using C-130's.
See McCoy, Politics of Heroin, and Hopsicker, Barry and the Boys,
and Goddard and Coleman's Trail of the Octopus, Prof Michel
Chossudovsky on US guns for heroin in Kosovo. 911 heroin
for guns see Daniel Hopsicker's work on Porter JFK-hit Goss
and one of his many 911 sub-contractors via Pak ISI, CIA
heroin-smuggling 911 pilot Mohammed Atta.


RoadsEnd wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Олег Греченевский" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 2, 2005 9:43:11 PM PDT
Subject: narcotraffic to Europe

Good day! This letter to Fritz W.Ermarth, former officer of CIA of high rank, I send recently by e-mail –  and now received the answer from him. Mister Ermarth only recognized possbility of participation of  some American servicemen in such a busyness. But he is denied any connectiones between Far West Ltd and CIA and him. This answer is not satisfactory for me...

 Do you help me to publish my letter?




Dear mister Ermarth!

 I write the book about KGB-roots of our Kremlin regime and publish it by parts at Internet (some parts were translated into english at site chechenpress.co.uk). Last three parts (19-21) are concerning of the company Far West Ltd (registred in Switzerland) – this firm is ruling by Vladimir Filin, former officer of GRU. At the site of this company (http://www.pravda.info/region/3601.html and so on) recently were published very interesting articles about their busyness in Afganistan: they export from this country carpets with aid of American Air Force! “Carpets” are carring in American aircrafts from military base in Bagram to American base in Kirghizia...

 May be you know something about the ties of Far West Ltd and CIA? There were some publication on this item at Internet (www.compromat.ru) – and the main contact of this company with CIA was attributed for you personally... Far West Ltd has in Russian media the reputation of big drugseller gang (about 50 tonnes of heroin or cocain in a year). I Know, that American Government struggle with such gangs at the territory of USA. And how about the narcotraffic to Europe?

 I don’t believe that you have some profit from this busyness – so, that is the policy?

 Sorry for my English. Oleg Grechenevsky.




 I send my “Open letter to former officer of CIA Fritz W.Emart” to many adresses. Among them was Anton Surikov, one of the directors of Far West Ltd. Surikov is the former officer of GRU (military intelligence service) – and all other managers of high rank of this firm the former officers of GRU, too. They together served in Afganistan in 80-th years (sub-unit for struggle against narcotraffic in Shindad). Surikov is the only manager of Far West Ltd, who constantly lives in Russia – because he is the political representative of this international drugseller gang in our country. Besides this he is well-known public figure of the communist and antiglobalist movement in Russia. Anton Surikov writes the articles against the West and especially against USA...

 His answer to me has some interest for western society. It is not our first change of the letters – leaders of Far West Ltd ten days ago send me the message, in which expressed their discontent of my publications about this gang. Then in my answer I emphasized my desire to publish our correspondence – and they agreed with this condition (they published at their site pravda.info only some parts of my letters). So, that is the FULL TRANSLATION of the letter of Anton Surikov:


     Mr. Grechenevsky,


Mr. Ermarth is absolutely right denying any contacts between the consuting agency Far West Ltd. and the CIA, as well as between the the agency and himself.  Such contacts do not exist and never existed.  I am not even sure that Mr. Ermarth ever heard about our agency.  I am personally aquainted with Mr. Ermarth as political scientist since 1996.  It's well known by many people and we never hid this fact.  However, as I said, we never had any business relations with Mr. Ermarth.


Also take into consideration the fact that we cooperate with the American side in the sphere of commercial transportation not on the basis of direct commercial contracts between our agency and the U. S. government, but through the intermediary company co-founded by the agency and a private U.S. company, which in its turn also interact with the U.S. government.


I once again turn your attention, Mr. Grechenevsky, to the fact that you have been a captive of some false notions and unwittingly have become a tool in the hands of those forces whose objectives have nothing to do with the ideas of human rights and antiwar movement that you uphold.


Anton Surikov


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 17.09.2005      Oleg Grechenevsky  

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