October 25, 2005 -- Libby and Cheney links to global weapons 
smuggling cartel resulted in exposure of Brewster Jennings and 
Associates non official cover (NOC) network. CIA Leakgate also tied 
to AIPAC probe. CIA sources familiar with the Brewster Jennings and 
Associates NOC operation that worked for some ten years to counter 
the proliferation of nuclear weapons claim that the operation's 
cover was partially blown because of its success at removing Soviet 
era nuclear weaponry and materials such as high grade plutonium from 
the international weapons smuggling market. 

Vice President Dick Cheney's chief if staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby 
was once the lawyer for Marc Rich, the Swiss-based American fugitive 
who was pardoned by President Clinton and is linked to a number of 
Russian and Ukrainian organized crime figures who have exiled 
themselves to Israel to avoid prosecution.

Brewster Jennings and the CIA Directorate of Operations Counter 
Proliferation Division (CPD) had established a program to purchase a 
range of nuclear weapons components, including Inter-continental 
Ballistic Missile (ICBM) parts, nuclear warhead nose cones, and high 
grade plutonium and uranium bomb cores from Russian sources who were 
also selling to members of Russian Mafia networks who were, in turn, 
selling to the A. Q. Khan network in Pakistan and other WMD 
smuggling operations.

Brewster Jennings and CIA's CPD involved in purchasing Soviet nuke 
material from black market -- pitting them against the Russian Mafia 
and Scooter Libby.

The CIA's CPD agents were particularly worried about the materials 
for sale at the 70 square mile Russian nuclear weapons complex at 
Mayak, outside the town of Ozersk. In the late 1990s, black market 
high grade plutonium was being sold in buckets from warehouses in 
Mayak. For that reason, the CIA, using its Brewster Jennings NOC 
network as well as other contractors, purchased the black market 
materials from the nuclear "used car market," as a CIA source put 
it. The materials were transported to the Rocky Flats nuclear 
weapons plant in Colorado where they were dismantled and disabled.

This secret program became known to Mafia operatives active in the 
United States as early as 1999. CIA sources report that a well known 
neo-conservative figure at a Washington think tank received 
classified information about the Brewster Jennings/CPD operation via 
an espionage cell within the Department of Defense and passed it on 
to Israel, which, in turn, passed it to Mafia figures. Some of this 
information was contained in documents passed to the American Israel 
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Israelis by indicted former 
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Pentagon Near East and South 
Asia Division analyst Larry Franklin. The classified counter 
proliferation information was contained in classified documents 
on "terrorist activities in Central Asia." The AIPAC/Franklin 
espionage operation has been vigorously pursued by the US Attorney 
for Eastern Virginia Paul McNulty who was named last Friday as the 
new Deputy Attorney General.

When the Mafia oligarchs discovered the CIA purchase program was 
driving up the prices of the Russian surplus nuclear materials 
making them unprofitable for organized crime, they used their 
connections inside the Bush White House and Pentagon to expose the 
operation to eliminate the chief American interlocutors and give 
themselves a lucrative virtual monopoly by removing their 
competition and driving up the resale price of the nuclear material 
even further. A CIA source said the Mafia established a 
nuclear "hedge fund" on the Russian nuclear materials. A CIA source 
confirmed that Libby and his former client Rich are connected to 
Russian Mafia figures involved in nuclear smuggling.

After the Mafia discovered the identities of key Russian and other 
players involved with the CIA WMD purchase program, some of them 
were executed gangland style.


October 25, 2005 -- Nervous neocons are lashing out. In light of 
revelations that Dick Cheney was intimately involved in the outing 
of CIA covert agent Valerie Plame and facing certain indictments of 
their key leaders, the neocons are furiously lashing out at all 
those who helped bring the nation to the brink of rolling up their 
networks of influence and exposing their foreign ties. Ambassador 
Joseph Wilson is attacked in today's Washington Post by two "Judy 
Millers in pants": Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus.

Not coincidentally, Republican Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota, 
the chairman of the Permanent Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, 
has trotted out previous charges that George Galloway, British 
Respect Party MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, personally benefited 
from oil vouchers from Saddam Hussein. Coleman is now threatening to 
have Galloway prosecuted for perjury for his testimony before the 
committee last May. At the time, a number of observers concluded 
that Galloway successfully stood up to the baseless charges from 

Coleman's subcommittee, like John Bolton's US Mission to the UN, has 
become a neocon satellite cell operating in tandem with Vice 
President Cheney's office and the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans.

Coleman's charges against Galloway were based on forged Iraq Oil 
Ministry documents that are reminiscent of the crudely forged 
Niger "yellowcake" documents. 

Galloway's name appears in smaller and fainter type on forged Iraq 
Oil-for-Food documents

The forged Niger Foreign Ministry document. The Niger Coat of Arms 
was crudely hand drawn. The actual coat of arms is on the left, the 
forgery on the right.

After being criticized by certain New York elitist neocon circles 
for being "the son of a doorman" and a "doorman" himself, Special 
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is now coming in for more personal 
attacks. The following quote from a "White House ally" of Bush 
appeared in the neocon-run (Mort Zuckerman and friends) New York 
Daily News: "He's [Fitzgerald's] a vile, detestable, moralistic 
person with no heart and no conscience who believes he's been tapped 
by God to do very important things." The statement is an obvious 
slur directed against Fitzgerald's Jesuit high school education in 
New York City and his Roman Catholic faith.


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