
You have outdone yourself.

Please make sure your kneepads are on before you go down on Rush 

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Rarey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The denouement
> It appears the Wilsons and CIA  conned the White House staff into 
believing that "outing" Valerie Wilson was a crime,betting,the staff 
would lie to try to cover up the non-crime.  
> But wouldn't the Wilsons and CIA have made a false statement to 
the grand jury or some law enforcment officer (including Fitzgerald) 
or was Fitzgerald in on the scam from the start?
> JR
> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/printer-friendly.asp?
>       Saturday, November 5, 2005
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Analyst says Wilson
>       'outed' wife in 2002
>       Disclosed in casual conversations
>       a year before Novak column
>       Posted: November 5, 2005
>       1:00 a.m. Eastern
>       By Art Moore
>       © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com 
>             Valerie Plame appeared in Vanity Fair magazine with 
her husband Joseph Wilson in January 2004 
>       A retired Army general says the man at the center of the CIA 
leak controversy, Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, revealed wife Valerie 
Plame's identity in a casual conversation more than a year before 
she allegedly was "outed" by the White House through a columnist. 
>       Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely told WorldNetDaily that Wilson 
mentioned Plame's status as a CIA operative in at least three, 
possibly five, separate conversations in 2002 in the Fox News 
Channel's "green room" in Washington, D.C., as they waited to appear 
on air as analysts. 
>       Vallely and Wilson both were contracted by Fox News to 
discuss the war on terror as the U.S. faced off with Iraq in the run-
up to the spring 2003 invasion. 
>       Vallely says, according to his recollection, the first time 
Wilson mentioned his wife's job was around February or March of 
2002 - more than a year before Robert Novak's July 14, 2003, column, 
citing senior administration officials, identified her as "an Agency 
operative on weapons of mass destruction." 
>             Ret. Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely 
>       "He was rather open about his wife working at the CIA," said 
Vallely, who retired in 1991 as the Army's deputy commanding general 
in the Pacific. 
>       WND learned of Vallely's claim through his interview 
Thursday night on the ABC radio network's John Batchelor show. 
>       Vallely told WND that, in his opinion, it became clear over 
the course of several conversations that Wilson had his own agenda, 
as the ambassador's analysis of the war and its surrounding politics 
strayed from reality. 
>       "He was a total self promoter," Vallely said. "I don't know 
it if was out of insecurity, to make him feel important, but he's 
created so much turmoil, he needs to be investigated and put under 
>       The only indictment in Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's 
two-year investigation came one week ago when Vice President Dick 
Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was charged with 
one count of obstruction of justice, two counts of making false 
statements and two counts of perjury in the case. He could face up 
to 30 years in prison and $1.25 million in fines if convicted on all 
five counts. 
>       Vallely said, citing CIA colleagues, that in addition to his 
conversations with Wilson, the ambassador was proud to introduce 
Plame at cocktail parties and other social events around Washington 
as his CIA wife. 
>       "That was pretty common knowledge," he said. "She's been out 
there on the Washington scene many years." 
>       If Plame were a covert agent at the time, Vallely said, "he 
would not have paraded her around as he did." 
>       "This whole thing has become the biggest non-story I know," 
he concluded, "and all created by Joe Wilson." 
>       Fitzgerald has been investigating whether Plame's identity 
was leaked by the White House as retaliation against Wilson for his 
assertion that the Bush administration made false claims about 
Iraq's attempt to buy nuclear material in Africa. 
>       Wilson traveled to Niger in February 2002 on a CIA-sponsored 
trip to check out the allegations about Iraq and wrote up his 
findings in a July 6, 2003, New York Times opinion piece 
titled "What I Didn't Find in Africa." 
>       White House defenders insist the aides simply were setting 
the record straight about Wilson, seeking to put his credibility in 
context by pointing out it was Plame who helped him get the CIA 
consulting job. Wilson denied his wife's role initially, but a 
bipartisan report by the Senate panel documented it. 
>       Wilson declared in the column that his trip revealed the 
Iraq-Niger connection was dubious, but his oral report to the Senate 
Select Committee on Intelligence actually corroborated the 
controversial "16 words" in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union 
address: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein 
recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." 
>       Libby's charges pertained only to the investigation itself, 
not the 1982 act that made it illegal to blow a covert U.S. agent's 
>       The Washington attorney who spearheaded the drafting of that 
law, told WND earlier this year that Plame's circumstances don't 
meet the statute's criteria. 
>       Victoria Toensing - who worked on the legislation in her 
role as chief counsel for the chairman of the Senate Select 
Committee on Intelligence - said Plame most likely was not a covert 
agent when White House aides mentioned her to reporters. 
>       The federal code says the agent must have operated outside 
the United States within the previous five years. But Plame gave up 
her role as a covert agent nine years before the Rove interview, 
according to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. 
>       Kristof said the CIA brought Plame back to Washington in 
1994 because the agency suspected her undercover security had been 
compromised by turncoat spy Aldrich Ames. 
>       Moreover, asserted Toensing, for the law to be violated, 
White House aides would have had to intentionally reveal Plame's 
identity with the knowledge that they were disclosing a covert 
>       Previous stories: 
>       Cheney top aide indicted, resigns 
>       Sealed indictments coming this week 
>       Drafter of intel statute: Rove accusers ignorant 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Art Moore is a news editor with WorldNetDaily.com.

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