Al-Qaida Links Jordan Bombings to Iraq War
Nov 10 7:57 AM US/Eastern
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Associated Press Writer

AMMAN, Jordan

Al-Qaida claimed responsibility Thursday for three suicide bomb 
attacks on Western hotels that killed at least 56 people, linking 
the deadly blasts to the war in Iraq and calling Amman the "backyard 
garden" for U.S. operations. Police continued a broad security 
lockdown and authorities sent DNA samples for testing to identify 
the attackers. Land borders were reopened after being closed for 
nearly 12 hours. 

Government spokesman Bassel Tarawneh lowered the death toll by one, 
citing confusion in the early hours after the blasts. He said the 
number was likely to rise slightly. 

He said the victims included 15 Jordanians, five Iraqis, one Saudi, 
one Palestinian, three Chinese, one Indonesian; 30 others hadn't 
been identified. 

The nearly simultaneous attacks late Wednesday also wounded more 
than 115 people, police said. They detained several people 
overnight, although it was unclear if those being held were of 
suspects or witnesses. 

The al-Qaida claim, posted on a militant Internet site, said Jordan 
became a target because it was "a backyard garden for the enemies of 
the religion, Jews and crusaders ... a filthy place for the 
traitors ... and a center for prostitution." The authenticity of the 
posting could not be independently verified, but it appeared on an 
Islamic Web site that acts as a clearing house for statements by 
militant groups. 

The claim of responsibility, signed in the name of the spokesman for 
Al-Qaida in Iraq, said the attacks put the United States on notice 
that the "backyard camp for the crusader army is now in the range of 
fire of the holy warriors." 

Iraqi government spokesman Laith Kubba said the attack should alert 
Jordan that it needed to stop playing host to former members of 
Saddam Hussein's regime. 

"I hope that these attacks will wake up the `Jordanian street' to 
end their sympathy with Saddam's remnants ... who exploit the 
freedom in this country to have a safe shelter to plot their 
criminal acts against Iraqis ." 

He also said Iraqis may have had a hand in the attacks. 

"The al-Qaida organization has become as a plague that affected Iraq 
and is now transmitted by the same rats to other countries. A lot of 
Iraqis, especially former intelligence and army officers, joined 
this criminal cell," Kubba said. 

Jordan's Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Muasher said shortly after the 
blasts that al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was 
a "prime suspect." The Jordanian-born al-Zarqawi is known for his 
animosity to the country's Hashemite monarchy. The claim of 
responsibility did not name King Abdullah II but twice referred to 
the "tyrant of Jordan." 

In the attacks, the suicide bombers detonated explosives at the 
Grand Hyatt, Radisson SAS and Days Inn hotels just before 9 p.m. One 
of the explosions took place inside a hall where 300 guests were 
celebrating a wedding. 

Until late Wednesday, Amman _ a comfortable, hilly city of white 
stone villas and glitzy high-rises _ had mostly avoided large-scale 
attacks and was a welcome sanctuary of stability in a troubled 

Al-Zarqawi is most known for the string of devastating suicide 
attacks launched in Iraq, often against U.S. targets but also 
against Shiite Iraqis. He has shown a flair for propaganda and drawn 
wide support among militants in the region. 

But outside Iraq, and especially in Jordan, he has been equally 

He was sentenced to death in absentia by a Jordanian military court 
for the October 2002 assassination of a U.S. diplomat, Laurence 
Foley, in Amman. 

His group also is accused of previously trying to blow up the 
Radisson SAS in Amman as part of the so-called Millennium plot in 
1999 and of an attack this August on a U.S. Navy ship in the 
Jordanian port of Aqaba that killed one Jordanian soldier. In Amman, 
a security official said authorities had tips on suspects who are 
being hunted, including possible sleeper cells or individuals who 
may have assisted the attackers and later fled in a vehicle bearing 
Iraqi license plates. 

The official, insisting on anonymity because he is not allowed to 
speak to reporters, said that DNA tests were being carried out to 
determine the identity of the perpetrators, including two suicide 
bombers who blew themselves up in two of the separate hotel attacks. 
A third suicide attacker used a car. 

The state Jordan Television showed Abdullah inspecting the sites of 
the blasts after returning home early Thursday, cutting short an 
official visit to Kazakhstan. He later presided over a meeting of 
his security chiefs, including police and intelligence. 

The hotels, frequented by Israelis and Americans among other foreign 
guests, have long been on al-Qaida's hit list. 

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This 
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

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