Tarpley Intelligence Report
B20505 / Sun, 17 Dec 2006 09:58:57 / "War on Terror"
Weekly Intelligence Report
Webster Tarpley

The Iraq Study Group Leaders

This is the December 9th, 2006 Intelligence Report in Tarpley's words. 


Nancy Pelosi in her misguided confusion is thinking about putting into law 
recommendations of the monstrous 911-Kane-Hamilton-Zelikow Commission, which 
has been totally discredited, because it left out the story of Able Danger, it 
suppressed and lied about the meeting of George Tenet, Cofer Black, and Condi 
Rice, and it covered up the lies of General Eberhardt and Larry Arnold, the 
NORAD and Pentagon generals. There were the Ashcroft-Picard exchanges, and the 
NEADS tape sheds new light on the centrality of the NORAD drills. Then there is 
the Angel is Next issue, the moment where the invisible government spoke to the 
hapless puppet, Bush, in the form of an ultimatum, and Bush turned the 
government over to The September Criminals, the new extreme faction that has 
remained in power since 911.

The Baker-Hamilton Commission Report 

Hamilton sure gets around, he has been on seven or eight commissions, he is the 
main cover-up artist for the banker-financier management. James Baker is the 
idea man, he was the controller for Bush 41, Baker told Bush 41 what to do. He 
ran the White House during the Reagan presidency, moved on to Secretary of the 
Treasury, under Reagan, then Secretary of State, under Bush 41. Baker directed 
the coup d'etat, when the Republicans stole the 2000 election. Hamilton can 
cover up everything going back to Iran-Contra and Watergate for the 
finance-oligarchy or invisible government. 

What is the purpose of the report? 

To build mass support for endless war. Baker-Hamilton are building a new 
consensus for endless war and endless occupation in that region, the purpose of 
the diplomacy is to separate Syria from Iran. 

The election said put an end to the global war on terror and the folly of 
continued imperialism. The Washington establishment's first response of three, 
was to get rid of Rumsfeld, but they put in the Iran-Contra criminal, Robert 
Gates, the gun-running and drug-running founder of Al Queda, who created the 
CIA Arab Legion, the Afgan-International Brigade, this is the same unprincipled 
Robert Gates, who followed orders from William Webster and William Casey. They 
are building a consensus for the continuation of the war with new 

The Sunni bloc consists of Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Sunni 
majority countries. Their goal is to cut off aid to Hezbollah, get rid of the 
puppet Prime Minister Seniora in Lebanon, make Hamas capitulate to endless 
occupation by Israel. 

The other aspect of the Hamilton-Baker Commission, the concept of advisors, 
will fail as it did in Vietnam, the Bush administration is saying as the Iraqis 
stand up we will stand down. This is the language of the so-called realists. 
But they are not realists, the Baker-Hamilton report never gave any 
consideration to a troop pullout, which was the main demand of the American 

The report was condemned by Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert because of the 
possibility of giving up the Golan Heights to Syria, there are too many 
qualifiers, and it amounts to a carrot dangled to get Syria to give up its 

Senator Feingold said the Baker-Hamilton Commission was made up exclusively of 
people, who never voted against the war, never opposed the war, never 
considered the question of how to get out. Congressman Murtha said this 
Commission boils down to staying in Iraq and staying is not an option. Even the 
Neo-con, fascist, madman at The Weekly Standard, William Kristol, said this is 
simply stay the course in an accelerated form. U.S. forces are going to stay 
until the end of the first quarter of 2008. There may be a short-term plus-up, 
a surge of 20,000 to 30,000 troops, into Iraq, and a shift of troops to 
Afghanistan as it can be done. 

The third radical proposal, more audacious than Bremer's privatization of 
Iraq's oil, is Baker's proposal, that the multinational cartel should come in 
and be able to buy up the oil wealth of Iraq and run it as a commercial 
enterprise, which means more foreign oil investment. They even want to bring 
the FBI into Iraq to look for terrorists, the IMF in to help reduce energy 
subsidies and make sure people pay the full world market price. 

They want to bring in The World Bank, create a senior advisor for economic 
reconstruction, and they want everybody to learn Arabic. The centerpiece for 
Baker's point of view, is a new conference on the model of the Madrid 
Conference 1991, and there will be discussion of the Israel-Palestine problem, 
the Syria-Lebanon-Israel problems. They want to get rid of support for Hamas 
and Hezbollah. The other group unhappy with the report is the Kurds, who don't 
like the idea of central government control of the oil, and if Baker tries to 
steal their oil, or if the Kurds think Baker wants to steal their oil for the 
international oil cartel, they might fight. 

They don't talk about victory now in terms of modest goals, the reality is 
endless war. We have the Neo-con fascist madmen versus this other group 
represented by Baker and Hamilton. The ruling class wants to continue the war, 
but realize they can't do it with the Neo-cons as spokesmen. Scooter Libby is 
indicted, Lord Conrad Black is indicted, and this is where impeachment makes 
its appearance. Rumsfeld is gone. Stephan Cambone is gone. Bolton gone from the 
UN. Zelikow is out at the State Department. 

If you remember what Watergate actually was, a cynically planned operation, the 
CIA and the Washington Post, the house organ of the Federal Reserve System, 
which likes to tear down the presidency, that is the lesson of Watergate, to 
make the Federal Reserve and the financiers stronger. 

Then we have this lunatic rhetoric by Bush about Democracy in the Middle East 
and his refusal to negotiate with Iran and Syria, even to detach Syria from 
Iran, he becomes superfluous like the other Neo-cons that are gone, he seems to 
think he can be a strong president, that is a big mistake because we have a 
poly-centric, oligarchal government, which does not tolerate a strong 

Watergate began with leaks, we have the memo on why Maliki is no good, the leak 
of the Rumsfeld memo, about how it is time for a big change of policy. 
Impeachment has now come onto the radar screen. Republican Senator Gordon Smith 
reached the end of his rope with Bush policy in Iraq, the wall against 
impeachment is crumbling.

The President's Story

Angel is next, is Webster Tarpley onto something?

Iraq Study Group

The Buck Stops There

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

World Crisis Radio

Iraq Study Group Report

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