[cia-drugs] The bigger scandal behind Posada Carriles By Wim Dankbaar, Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2007 at 02:45:39 PM EST This story is fairly widely covered today in US media. The Kansas City Star. "A Cuban exile suspected of plotting the bombing of a jetliner 30 years ago in Venezuela was indicted Thursday on charges of lying in naturalization proceedings, the Justice Department said. The presence of Luis Posada Carriles on American soil has put federal officials in a difficult position. Critics accuse the United States of harboring a terrorist, but federal policy has typically protected anti-Castro Cuban exiles." Other media like Reuters and the Miami Herald ran more extensive stories, but this was short and sweet and exactly to the point. Why is it that anti-Castro Cuban exiles are typically protected by federal policy? We'll have a closer look. So it is on record now that Posada is lying about many things. This is no surprise to me, because I knew it already. After all, telling the truth about all he did, would not only bring himself in deep trouble, but also his puppetmasters. Among those is the Bush family. A long and deep story going back to the Bay of Pigs, which I won't cover here, because I did it there. But it is a surpise to me that US media have been buying his lies without much reservation and criticism. For example on my allegation that he and his fellow airline bomber Orlando Bosch were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Apparently, this accusation, although not widely publicized, concerned Posada enough to jump in and answer the question personally during a press conference in June 2005. The Miami Herald, where Alfonso Chardy and Oscar Corral are covering the story, wrote: Although he wouldn't answer questions about allegations he participated in several terrorist acts, he readily rejected rumors that he was in Dallas on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. "Let me answer that,'' he told his attorney. "I was pumping gas dressed as a lieutenant of the American Army in Fo

Sun, 14 Jan 2007 15:59:27 -0800

The bigger scandal behind Posada Carriles
Posted on Sat Jan 13th, 2007 at 02:45:39 PM EST

This story is fairly widely covered today in US media. The Kansas City Star. "A Cuban exile suspected of plotting the bombing of a jetliner 30 years ago in Venezuela was indicted Thursday on charges of lying in naturalization proceedings, the Justice Department said. The presence of Luis Posada Carriles on American soil has put federal officials in a difficult position. Critics accuse the United States of harboring a terrorist, but federal policy has typically protected anti-Castro Cuban exiles."

Other media like Reuters and the Miami Herald ran more extensive stories, but this was short and sweet and exactly to the point. Why is it that anti-Castro Cuban exiles are typically protected by federal policy? We'll have a closer look. So it is on record now that Posada is lying about many things. This is no surprise to me, because I knew it already. After all, telling the truth about all he did, would not only bring himself in deep trouble, but also his puppetmasters. Among those is the Bush family. A long and deep story going back to the Bay of Pigs, which I won't cover here, because I did it there. But it is a surpise to me that US media have been buying his lies without much reservation and criticism. For example on my allegation that he and his fellow airline bomber Orlando Bosch were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Apparently, this accusation, although not widely publicized, concerned Posada enough to jump in and answer the question personally during a press conference in June 2005. The Miami Herald, where Alfonso Chardy and Oscar Corral are covering the story, wrote: Although he wouldn't answer questions about allegations he participated in several terrorist acts, he readily rejected rumors that he was in Dallas on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 
"Let me answer that,'' he told his attorney. "I was pumping gas dressed as a lieutenant of the American Army in Fort Benning [Georgia] when that happened,'' he said. "How was I going to be in Dallas? What's going on is that they blame me for everything.'' 

Hence I wrote Chardy and Corral the next day:
Gentlemen, Since you are already working in a tandem, you could well be the new Woodward and Bernstein. Thank you for reporting this. Next time, you may want to ask him if he can produce a witness for his "alibi"? And it better not be his buddy Felix Rodriguez. Let's see, we have Frank Sturgis and Orlando Bosch watching TV in their Miami homes, with no witnesses, we have Johnny Roselli sound asleep in his Vegas apartment untill he was woken up to hear the news, with the FBI losing surveillance of him (apparently they forgot to check his home), and now we have Bambi pumping gas at Fort Benning? I don't blame him. After all , we have Giancana, Nicoletti, Demohrenschildt and others dead just before they were scheduled to testify. But maybe Luis remembers some of his customers at the pump that day? At least they are better stories than the changing ones of Howard Hunt and George Bush. You could also ask him if he knew Chauncey Marvin Holt. As you may know, he is the source for the "rumors". On request I'll bring you in contact with a string of people to testify on his strength as a source.

Thanks in advance for being more alert, 
Sincerely with greetings from Holland, 
Wim Dankbaar
There was no reply. But In fact, a year later, Alfonso Chardy wrote this fairly good story. But at the end he concludes as follows:
Information in the documents was also shared with investigators from the House Select Committee on Assassinations, which in the 1970s reinvestigated President Kennedy's 1963 assassination. The committee probed whether organized crime, Cuban exiles or exile groups conspired to kill Kennedy. The committee concluded that exile groups were not involved in an assassination conspiracy, but did not rule out the possible role of individual exiles. The documents released did not show any connection between Posada and the assassination. Posada told The Miami Herald in El Paso last year that he was in Georgia on the day Kennedy was killed in Dallas.None of the documents contained specific details about Posada's duties for JMWAVE.
When are US media, in delay of the American public, going to understand that the people who controlled these "investigations" were the foxes that ate the chickens? Maybe one day US journalists will be foxes as Luis Posada Carriles who told reporter Ann Louise Bardach once: "Without publicity the job is useless". Meanwhile I recommend to follow the links below: Press, Prologue, Holt on Posada, Files on Bosch, Files on Bush, Killing JFK, Epilogue & Special offer.

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