Google...ALFRED see his photo on the WIKIPEDIA entry of him           
  Papal Knight Alfred Lambremont Webre (1942–Present), 2007
  Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor  Rome’s Gatekeeper for the 911 Truth Movement  As 
it was after the Order’s assassination of President Kennedy, so it is now after 
the Black Pope’s 911 demolition of the World Trade Center and aerial attack on 
the Pentagon.  Rome’s Gatekeepers behind the movement to discover the real 
assassins of JFK were men such as Mark Lane, Robert Groden, Knight of Malta 
William F. Buckley, Jr., using his National Review, and our apostate 
Protestant/Lutheran Supreme Court Chief Justice, 33rd Degree Freemason Earl 
Warren, who gave his approval to the Warren Commission’s CIA/FBI-devised, 
cover-up conclusion—The Warren Report.
  Even so it is today.  Rome’s Gatekeepers suppressing the real masterminds 
behind 911, which murdered over three thousand Americans, are out in full force 
(including Alex Jones and Ron Paul), and are backed by the Bush Royal Family 
intensely loyal to the Pope of Rome.  Knight of Malta George H. W. Bush and his 
brother, Knight of Malta Prescott Bush, Jr., were complicit in the 
“termination” of President Kennedy in 1963.  Even so their son and nephew, 
President George W. Bush, was Rome’s tool in fulfilling the wishes of Pope John 
Paul II on that fateful day, nearly six years ago.  After JKF was assassinated, 
Cardinal Spellman had his Vietnam War; after 911, Cardinal Egan had his “War on 
Terror,” intended to destroy the last western nations born out of the 
Protestant Reformation.  Just as “Spelly’s War” on the Vietnamese people lasted 
for thirty years (1945-1975), even son “Egan’s War on Terror” against the 
Moslems will last for decades.
  Rome’s deliberate act of terror perpetrated against the American people on 
September 11, 2001, is the catalyst for the propaganda espoused by Cardinal 
Egan’s press lords, both Jewish and Gentile, many of whom are members of the 
Black Pope’s Council on Foreign Relations.  One of the CFR’s most notorious 
members is a Roman Catholic half-Jew and Knight of St. Gregory/Knight of 
Malta/Australian Knight of the British Empire, Rupert Murdoch, the mogul 
overseeing Pope Benedict XVI’s “New Right” fascist Fox News Network.  The 
Order’s “Crusade” against North Americans enjoying a Presbyterian Protestant 
Constitution and personal liberties secured by a Baptist-Calvinist Bill of 
Rights must continue; the “Crusade” against the majority Moslem peoples for the 
security of the Vatican’s anti-Jew, “Kingdom of Jerusalem in Roman Palestine” 
precipitating the building of the Third Hebrew Temple must continue.  
Therefore, a constant barrage of fascist propaganda must deluge our minds
 preparing the American peoples to fight a two-front world war, all of which 
will be in the words of the Jesuit, “For the greater glory of God”—the god who 
sits in St. Peter’s Chair!
  Indeed, there is much at stake!  This Crusade must not be brought to a close: 
“America cannot retreat from complete victory!”  Thus, the drugged and 
brainwashed American “human resource” people cannot be permitted to discover 
the real authors of 911.  Realizing there would be genuine truth-seekers within 
the military, politics and academia, the Jesuit Order has called upon its most 
obedient soldiers to take command of overseeing and directing the cover-up.  A 
few of them are Jeff Rense, Texe Marrs, Alex Jones and Eric Hufschmidt (whose 
sister is married to the son of “Sir” Rupert Murdoch).  But the most important 
appears to be the hitherto unknown Alfred Webre.  A review of the life and 
connections of this servant of Rome is necessary if we are to understand that 
the entire 911 Truth Movement is now compromised.
  Alfred Webre, author lawyer and environmentalist, was born in 1947, 
graduating from Yale University in 1964.  He then attended Yale Law School 
receiving his J.D. in International Law in 1967.  As a Fulbright Scholar in 
Economic Integration, Webre is an internationalist and thoroughly versed in the 
Vatican’s Uniform Commercial Code and Federal Taxation, which specialties are 
essential to the creating of a world of nations united by commercial treaties 
for the benefit of Rome’s merchants, “the great men of the earth” (Rev. 18:23). 
 This author assumes that Webre is an occult member of one of Yale’s secret 
societies and possibly a Knight of Malta evidenced by his association with 
Skull and Bones members, specifically President George W. Bush and his father, 
former President George H. W. Bush.  Webre’s highly influential employment with 
the Jesuit Order’s Ford Foundation in 1973 and the Stanford Research Institute 
(the American Tavistock Institute) in 1977 further
 incriminates him as a tool of Rome.
  From 1982 to 1987 Webre was a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Delegate to 
the United Nations in New York City.  The U.N. has always been a tool of Rome 
intended to destroy the national sovereignty of the once Protestant and Baptist 
United States.  Its treasonous policies facilitate the creation of a world 
government espoused by the Jesuits at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).  
(It is most intriguing that at the time of this Council when Rome was 
pretending to be benevolent to its once “heretic and liberal” opponents, Pope 
Paul VI murdered our “liberal” Roman Catholic American president, John F. 
Kennedy.)  The murderous and deceptive U.N. was established in the Jesuit haven 
of San Francisco at the hand of President “Dirty” Harry Truman, a 33rd Degree 
Scottish Rite Freemason.
  In 2001 Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute for 
Cooperation in Space.  Webre’s General Counsel was Papal Knight of Malta Daniel 
Sheehan, a the long-time General Counsel for the Jesuit Order’s Christic 
Institute, a left-wing Washington, D.C.,-based law firm.  This is a most 
important connection between Webre, the Knights of Malta and the ubiquitous 
Jesuit Order.  Webre is a supra-internationalist, an elite amidst the highest 
initiates of the “globalists.”  He even goes so far as to believe in advanced 
alien life forms in the universe, that earth has been “quarantined” and that we 
cosmopolitan earth-dwellers of all nations “have been given an opportunity to 
join the rest of the spiritually evolved Universe Society in peace, thus an 
opportunity to avoid environmental global destruction through war.”  In 
translating this double-talk, Webre is a world citizen (as are all Knights of 
Malta), a promoter of the radical, left-wing, environmentalist agenda despite
 the fact that his Papal brothers have kept the world enslaved to fossil fuel 
pollution, further destroying the very earth he claims to protect, and openly 
advocates world peace when his occult masters in Rome have now incited Cardinal 
Egan’s American-led Crusade called “the War on Terror.”
  Alfred Webre is a Papal Knight, a heavyweight among the “globalist insiders” 
vying for a world government at the expense of the national sovereignty of the 
United States and Canada—the last bastions of the Protestant Reformation.  He 
is tied to Yale’s Skull and Bonesmen, the Knights of Malta and, worst of all, 
the diabolical and perfidious Society of Jesus—the most powerful secret society 
in the history of man.  An unabashed enemy of both the American and Canadian 
people, he talks peace when war is his true aim.  Therefore, we should not be 
surprised to observe that Alfred Webre has been appointed Gatekeeper of the 
“911 Truth Movement.”  By pretending to genuinely pursue the truth as to the 
real malefactors behind our mass-murder on September 11, 2001, he is positioned 
to conceal the truth for the benefit of his master, the Black Pope.  Make no 
mistake; Alfred Webre is a treasonous Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor at a key apex 
of power.
  At the most recent “911 Truth Conference” held in July of 2007 in Vancouver, 
British Columbia, Alfred Webre was the master of ceremonies.  He was the Black 
Pope’s Gatekeeper pretending to reveal truth when in fact he did all to conceal 
the real power behind the World Trade Demolition.  It is for this reason not 
one of the featured speakers went into any detail about the Vatican’s 
involvement on that day of infamy.  No one said a word from the platform about 
the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, the Black Pope or Rome’s “Crusade” against 
Islam and the Protestant Reformation having founded Western Civilization, 
including American and Canada.  Webre was there to make sure none of these 
topics were raised.
  There was a bright light at the conference however.  He is a personal friend 
and avid “point man” for the exposure of the agents of Rome on many, many 
fronts.  That man was Tim White.  Upon confronting Alfred Webre inside of the 
conference hall, words passed after which Webre admitted to White that his 
Uncle was a Jesuit, a very powerful Jesuit who, in his time, was next to Jesuit 
Superior General Pedro Arrupe.  That was all it took.  Thereafter, White was 
not admitted into the conference and was threatened with arrest by the RCMP and 
deportation back to the United States from one of Webre’s assistants,Wayne 
Prante.  Without this confrontation, we would have never known of Webre’s 
family connection to the Jesuit Order.  We owe a debt of gratitude to Tim White.
  In conclusion, the “911 Truth Movement” is now totally compromised.  Never 
will any truth about Vatican involvement on that fateful morning be promulgated 
from this seemingly respectable channel.  The Jesuits, with their Temporal 
Coadjutor Alfred Webre and Knights of Malta (“the great men of the earth” Rev. 
18:23), now dominate the field.  All of their servants, including Alex Jones, 
Texe Marrs, Dr. Stan Monteith, Jeff Rense, Congressman Ron Paul, Michael 
Collins Piper, Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan, Hal Turner, Tom Flocco, Constance 
Cumbey, Rupert Murdoch and his next of kin, Eric Hufschmidt, George Noory, 
Butch Paugh, Eustace Mullins, Pat Robertson, and any other radio host, network 
broadcaster or established author who refuses to expose the Vatican “Black 
Hand” in 911, will continue the great Jesuit Cover-up of the Twenty-first 
Century.  The Jews are to be blamed; the Jesuits are never to be unmasked.
  But there is hope.  As long as God the Father is on His throne; as long as 
His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is at His right hand; and as long as 
the Word of God, the AV1611 Reformation English Bible, in the hands of His 
elect “in Christ,” the devil and his powerful servants have much to fear.  For 
the Book is “quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, 
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and 
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  
  Therefore know this, Alfred Webre, and all of your agent provocateurs 
attempting to conceal the dreadful reality that Rome is behind our greatest of 
civil disasters: the truth will out and your sin will surely find you out.  The 
war is on, but you have not won the final battle.  For my master, the risen Son 
of God, Head of His true Church—the Body of Christ—and King of Israel, will 
direct all of his elect to relentlessly fight this “good fight of faith” 
against “that man of sin” in the Vatican.  We are “obstinate heretics” and we 
shall never relent in our mission to “preach the Word” when it is received and 
when it is not received, which preaching includes bringing to light the 
“unfruitful works of darkness.”  Those works include the premeditated murder of 
thousands of my countrymen on 911 and during the Black Pope’s subsequent “War 
on Terror.”  Those works include the deception and murder of those—my elect 
brethren “in Christ”—in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and in the
 theaters of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Their pastors did not tell them of Rome’s 
design upon our country or of the Jesuits in command of our armies; they acted 
in good faith upon a deception and have now paid with their lives, indeed their 
“last full measure.”  Who cannot but weep at the downfall of our nation having 
departed from the Word of God?  And our children, do we not groan in despair 
over a generation to suffer for the sins of their fathers for the last four 
generations?  Who will tell them the truth, or will they grow into adulthood 
only to curse our name for our cowardice and silence as they were enslaved to 
fight the Pope’s crusades and pay his taxes, robbing them of their wealth, 
health and national inheritance?
  Alfred Webre is a traitor.  He is a Papal Knight and loyal to the Pope of 
Rome.  He is thee Vatican Gatekeeper in preventing the truth behind 911 from 
ever being known.  Therefore let every honest man depart from this liar, 
deceiver and worker of iniquity.
  Sincerely in Faith,
  Brother Eric Jon Phelps  Author, Vatican Assassins:
                          “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”
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