Psych Drug Handbook Written with Drug Industry Ties 

David Gutierrez
October 10, 2008 

 An analysis by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has 
revealed widespread conflicts of interest among the experts overseeing the next 
revision of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA's) diagnostic manual.

On its Web site "Integrity in Science," CSPI reports that 16 of the 28 members 
of the task force charged with producing the fifth edition of the APA's 
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) have reported some 
financial connection to the drug or medical device industries. The analysis was 
based on financial disclosures published on the APA's Web site.

"We have made every effort to ensure that DSM-V will be based on the best and 
latest scientific research, and to eliminate conflicts of interest in its 
development," said APA President Carolyn B. Robinowitz.

The DSM-V, being developed along with the National Institute of Mental Health, 
is expected to be complete in 2012.

APA regulations allow task force members to accept financial contributions from 
drug and device companies while working on the DSM-V, but total individual 
income from such contributions cannot exceed $10,000 per year. There are no 
limits on money that can be accepted before the members' appointment to the 
task force or after the completion of the manual.

CSPI described the conflicts of interest as ranging "from small to extensive." 
The record for the highest number of drug industry financial ties was William 
Carpenter, Jr., director of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center at the 
University of Maryland. During the past five years, Carpenter has accepted 
consulting money from 13 different pharmaceutical companies, including Astra 
Zeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer and Wyeth.

The degree of conflict of interest - more than 50 percent - reported by CSPI is 
similar to that found in a 2006 study of the 170 experts who worked on the 
DSM-IV, which was released in 1994. Because the APA had no disclosure policy at 
that time, the researchers had to compile data from legal and patient records, 
journal articles, conflict-of-interest databases and other sources to uncover 
these statistics. They found that 56 percent of contributors had received money 
from a drug company at least once between 1989 and 2004. While many had only 
received research support, 22 percent of contributors had received consulting 
income and 16 percent had served on company speaking bureaus, both of which 
tend to be more financially rewarding.

For certain sections of the manual devoted to severe mental illnesses like 
schizophrenia, the conflict of interest rate was even higher, up to 100 percent 
in some cases.

Some mental health professionals and patient advocates have criticized recent 
DSM revisions for classifying too much normal human variation as disorder, such 
as social phobia. These "disorders" are then often treated with drugs such as 

And since a disorder's inclusion is heavily influenced by political factors and 
testimony from experts in the field, conflicts of interest can have a 
distorting influence on the content of the manual.

The DSM is the most widely used mental disorder diagnostic manual in the United 
States, and many insurance companies require adhesion to its criteria before 
they will accept a diagnosis as valid.
John M. Grohol, Psy.D., said that given psychiatry researchers' close ties with 
the drug industry, conflict of interest in the DSM-V was unavoidable. 
"While I'm disappointed to see the pharmaceutical industry influence in the 
DSM-V, I think it was inevitable without an outright ban by the APA on such 
professionals participating," he said.
But with drug industry money so "prevalent, widely available, and accepted," 
such a ban would be impossible, he added.
The number of mental health professionals with financial ties to the 
pharmaceutical industry has increased by 14 percent since the last revision of 
the DSM in 1994.
The conflicts of interest inherent in the DSM go beyond financial connections 
to drug companies, Grohol warned.
"Remember, many of the experts chosen to sit on these committees are the same 
professionals who have made their livelihood studying these disorders," he 
said. "Nobody's career is going anywhere if the disorder they've dedicated 
their life to researching is suddenly downsized or kicked out the DSM 
Because the professional careers of the task force members (and the people in 
the APA who pick the task force members) are invested in the expansion of 
certain disorders, Grohol said, it is very hard for skeptics to make it onto 
DSM committees.
"So by its very nature, the DSM emphasizes growth of mental disorders, and the 
APA naturally seeks out experts who will help it achieve that goal," Grohol 
The DSM has long been controversial, largely due to its premise that mental 
disorders can and should be classified on a symptom-based model. Many 
professionals have argued that this fails to account for the fact that symptoms 
may be produced by an unhealthy environment rather than an internal disorder 
that requires medical treatment. For example, evolutionary psychologists have 
argued that certain emotional responses, such as anxiety or sexual jealousy, 
may be evolved responses to specific situations. While some reactions may be 
inappropriate in a modern environment, these experts argue, that does not mean 
they are disorders. Likewise, depression and other "mood disorders" may arise 
from an unhealthy physical or social environment, rather than from nervous 
system malfunction.
The DSM has also been criticized for assuming that there is one model of 
"normal" human behavior, and that everything else should be classified as a 
Sources for this story include:,

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