19 million indians disappear
American Holocaust 1 of 5
7-9 million Americans disappear

At the same time as US Robber Barons were diverting their
US skim into Germany to buy a great big war, sending their
money in with Prescott Bush to cultivate Adolf Hitler(the
first Marshall Plan wasn't called that and it bought guns
not social democracy), the Robber Barons were killing
off 7-9 million Americans to take over the midwest oil

Bees have been walmarted to five beekeepers who depend
on new genmod queens every year. Pesticides gave bees
AIDS, and then the parasites and bacteria and viruses that
can kill the bees are being treated with toxins and antibiotics,
which is killing the remaining bees. Coincidentally, the US
unemployment rate is 21% and climbing and Eric Holder
refuses to seize all the mortgage loan notes insured by
the US tax-bonded citizen who owns them now and can
burn some to account for the deliberate inflation of US
home values and loan amounts by NYC banks and the
Goldman Sacks. After the bees fly away and die this year,
the noteholders will have to buy food from other countries.
There might be a middleman there, ya think?! How about
we remove tarrifs in other countries and the US in order
to make room for a bigger middleman, how about that?

It is quite possible to be stung by a dead bee.


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