Haldun ALTAN ha scritto:
> Thank you Aaron
> I thought about it, tried a little but changed my mind.The ancient version 
> works 
> quite well and I'm not good in manipulating packages yet may be shall I wait 
> fot 
> Lucid coming if theres is no "automatic" or guide solution.
> Thank once more
> Haldun

I have tried to ensure that the installation of cinelerra is simpler and
is now available in only two variants:

- cinelerra
- cinelerra-xt (with enabled SSSE3 that gives 20% more performance in
the latest Intel CPUs)

with their dependencies libcinelerra and libcinelerra-xt, unfortunately
I made a mistake in virtual packages that should make the migration
painless and in some cases be given to the terminal:

for i in sv cv cv-gl sv-gl cv-smp sv-smp; do sudo apt-get --force-yes
--assume-yes remove cinelerra$i libquicktime$i libmpeg3$i libguicast$i;
done && sudo apt-get install cinelerra (or cinelerra-xt)

sorry for the inconvenience

Paolo Rampino aka Akirad

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