ffmpeg has no support for keeping the timecode, but probably ffms can keep
the timecode as you wish:

> Hi,
> We are trying to find a way on a linux system to preserve the embedded
> timecode form a QT or MXF file when we we use FFMpeg to transcode to Flash
> and H.264.  Currently you could have hour 9:00:00:00 LTC on the original
> and after transcode it just starts at 00:00:00:00 how can we preserve the
> original file LTC?
> We have found various Mac OSX solutions, but he problem is our servers are
> all Linux.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Erik
> Erik Freid | Product Manager | MediaSilo, Inc
> 207 South Street | Third Floor | Boston, MA 02111
> t. 617.423.6200 x 7013, m. 617.306.8632, f. 617.507.8577
> www.mediaSilo.com

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