It's not unusual practice in the industry, but usually Cisco will require a 
"recertification" fee instead. They will send someone out to make sure the 
equipment is still working etc... It's usually about 2-3 x the cost of an 
annual contract. You might see if they will do a recert instead. Otherwise, 
maybe your customer will learn about being pennywise and pound foolish :)

Matthew Huff       | One Manhattanville Rd
OTA Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577  | Phone: 914-460-4039
aim: matthewbhuff  | Fax:   914-460-4139

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richey
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 4:55 PM
To: 'Cisco-NSP Mailing List'
Subject: [c-nsp] Smartnet pricing?

One of my customers called me today to ask me if this sounds right.  I don't
much about smartnet but I told him I knew where to ask about this.    He
said they let their initial smartnet contract expire about 5 years ago
because they never used the support and management couldn't justify the
cost.    Now they need a newer image because the current one they are using
is buggy for whatever it is they are trying to do.     They contacted their
"rep"  and the rep said Cisco wants them to pay for the last 5 years of
smartnet plus however many going forward  in order to get the image.  They
were quoted over $25k just to upgrade an image.   The part that sounds fishy
is being forced to pay for 5 years of smartnet.   Does this sound right?



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