Last winter we purchased a pair of 7606 routers to use out at the NYSE colo 
facility. We connect via a 1gb fiber to the SFTI LCN for market data and FIX 
traffic. We fully expected to be able to use hardware assisted NAT and NDE to 
monitor the traffic. The netflow output we get is random, sporadic and very 
incomplete. After dealing with our Sales team and TAC, we have finally got them 
to admit that it doesn't work when NAT and NDE are configured on the same 

Nowhere in the Cisco marketing literature, Cisco Documentation, or even Cisco 
bug lists does it mention this. There are some caveats listed regarding NDE and 
NAT (flow mask conflicts, and fragments), but even given that, the caveats 
imply that it will work if the caveats don't apply or the flowmask conflicts 
are resolved. Also, there are no warnings when configuring it. The feature 
manager shows no errors or conflicts, etc...

At every step, in my opinion, cisco has been reluctant to admit that it doesn't 
work. Only when confronted with the evidence, they did finally admit it. Had we 
known of this limitation, we would have purchased different hardware including 
possibly another vendor's solution.

I'm looking at using SPAN to replicate the data and send it to a linux box to 
then create netflow data exports, however, given the nature of the data (high 
bandwidth and microburst), I'm not sure that the Linux box will work 
accurately. I assumed the PFC would be doing the exports in hardware giving us 
the most accurate realtime look at the market data. Evidently I was wrong.

I'm sending this so that no one else will make the same mistake we did as well 
as being in the nsp archives.

Matthew Huff             | 1 Manhattanville Rd
Director of Operations   | Purchase, NY 10577
OTA Management LLC       | Phone: 914-460-4039
aim: matthewbhuff        | Fax:   914-460-4139

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