> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:24:12 -0400
> From: "Paul Yasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Citrusdb-users] Billing Module Query Failure
> To: "For users of CitrusDB discussion"
>       <citrusdb-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> That's odd, the schema should allow the creditcard_number,
> creditcard_expire, and rerun_date to be inserted as null values and
> mysql puts in zeroes for you.  Did you happen to use any particular
> windows gui tool to import the default citrus database schema?  It
> looks like there may be some kind of bug that may not create the
> proper schema, http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=36250
> `creditcard_number` bigint(16) default NULL,
> `creditcard_expire` smallint(4) unsigned zerofill default NULL,
> `rerun_date` date default NULL,
> Paul
The schema is correct as created with the Windows command line client 
for MySQL.

To recreate the bug, do the following:

Edit the Default Billing for the Example customer and erase the contents 
of the "Credit Card Expire" field.

Try to Save Changes.

I did this in yesterday's CVS version and got the following error message:

1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'creditcard_expire' at row 1


UPDATE billing SET name = 'Example Customer', company = 'Example 
Company', street = 'Example St', city = 'ExampleCity', state = 'ABC', 
zip = '12345', country = 'USA', phone = '555-555-5555', fax = 
'555-555-5556', billing_type = '7', creditcard_number = 
'5000000000000001', creditcard_expire = '', billing_status = '', 
next_billing_date = '2007-10-07', from_date = '2007-10-07', 
payment_due_date = '2007-10-07', rerun_date = '0000-00-00', notes = '', 
pastdue_exempt = 'n', po_number = '', contact_email = '' WHERE id = 1  

As you can see, the program is trying to update the creditcard_expire 
field with an empty string, not a zero. However note that I could not 
set the variable '$creditcard_expire' to null or unset it and get the 
query to work. I'm not sure why.

Since the form fields always submit strings, it seems you need to 
convert them to the proper data type before executing the query. (I 
tried doing this in the initialization phase, and it didn't work, 
because on load, the field had a value, so was not initialized.)

Rich C.

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