Hi, I'm having a build problem with Clam 1.4.1~svn15308 on my iMac. I'm using 
QT 4.8.4 library frameworks and tools and all 64-bit dependencies. Llvm-g++-4.2 
compiler. The 3 Clam libraries all compiled just fine. So on to Network Editor. 
At first, the build halted trying to link the first library target: 
libclam_qtmonitors.1.4.1.dylib  :

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_glBegin", referenced from:
      CLAM::VM::Tonnetz::DrawTile(int, int)in Tonnetz.os
      QFirstPerson::roomWall(float, float)in moc_QFirstPerson.os
      QFirstPerson::paintDecoration()       in moc_QFirstPerson.os
"_glBlendFunc", referenced from:
      CLAM::VM::Tonnetz::initializeGL()    in Tonnetz.os
      QFirstPerson::initializeGL()       in moc_QFirstPerson.os
"_glColor4fv", referenced from:
      QFirstPerson::paintDecoration()       in moc_QFirstPerson.os
      QFirstPerson::paintScene()       in moc_QFirstPerson.os  …..

… 38 more missing  _gl** symbols, all referenced from  moc_QFirstPerson.os 

Well, that's because on OSX 10.8.2 the only place those symbols exist is in 
libGL.1.dylib and libGLU.1.dylib , which both must be added to the final link 
step. Those symbols are NOT in OpenGL.framework,OpenAL.framework, in any of the 
10.5 to 10.8 MacSDKs, or in the new XCode IDE. Only in the new X11-quartz 
library package as dylibs. In fact, the build stopped earlier when <GL/Glu.h> 
was not found from QFirstPerson.hxx. Which is when I pointed it to 
</opt/X11/include/Glu.h>. Also by the way,that ('/opt') does not suggest I use 
MacPorts or anything nasty like that, that's where Apple installs the new X11 
quartz pkg, sym-linking the pre-existing /usr/X11 folder. So I built 
libclam_qtmonitors from the command line by simply adding -L/opt/X11/lib -lGL 
-lGLU. Glad I had verbose enabled for the full gcc string.

So, next target is src/clamWidgetsPlugin. I tried scons -k to see where it 
thought it was and to see further output. All 19 *.hxx in the folder fail to 
generate the moc, with the same error. 
Scons output:
-I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/gtk/audio-96/include 
-I/Library/Frameworks/QtXmlPatterns.framework/headers -o 
src/clamWidgetsPlugin/KeySpacePlugin.hxx  ----

src/clamWidgetsPlugin/KeySpacePlugin.hxx:33: Error: Undefined interface
scons: ** [src/clamWidgetsPlugin/generated/moc_KeySpacePlugin.cxx]Error 1.. 

src/clamWidgetsPlugin/CLAMWidgets.hxx:10: Error: Undefined interface
scons: ** [src/clamWidgetsPlugin/generated/moc_CLAMWidgets.cxx] Error 1..

src/clamWidgetsPlugin/QFirstPersonPlugin.hxx:33: Error: Undefined interface
scons: *** [src/clamWidgetsPlugin/generated/moc_QFirstPersonPlugin.cxx] Error 1 

Looks defined to me, they all have 
Q_INTERFACES(QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface), and <QtDesigner/customwidget.h> 
sure looks to declare them. 

Scons has cheese documentation IMHO, how does one know whether it's going to 
start all over when invoked or resume after a error is corrected? Can it list 
targets like make or CMake? Also, where in your Sconstruct can I add the libGL 
and libGLU dependencies so I can rebuild without having it halt with the first 
(Didn't one use to need a Sconstruct in each subfolder?)

 By the way, in your Sconstruct ln:30 for the Clam Libs, there's a comment for 
opts.Add( 'LINKFLAGS'..) that mentions adding OPenGL.framework for OSX, well 
those libs don't need it, Network Editor does, only NOT the frameworks, the X11 
dylibs.If your building with the GL includes you kind of need to link the 
library. At least on 10.8 Mountain Lion. Can one declare options on the command 
line (LDFlags?) when invoking scons or only when sconstruct knows what to do 
with them? Or in ENV?
So at this point I could use some advice about my undefined interface for the 
clamWidgetsPlugin sources. 
I built this project several years ago on a PPC ibook, scons gave me a headache 
the, now with a new Qt, new OS,  a bs Xcode update  and whatelse, I want to 
bring it up to date. Know anyone who has built this on 64 bit 10.8?
Thanks, Jeff K
 PS;  Your tarball release won't build on 10.8 and never will. Xerces with 
DOMWriter cannot be compiled, I noticed you canned it too in CVS. Actually, CVS 
won't even start to compile as long as EmbeddedFile.hxx only allows __MINGW32__ 
and __ELF__ or #error "No support for embedded files in your platform" pops up. 
We'll see about that.

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