your last commit introducing the new QDialog class only in qt4.4 breaks
compilation on ubuntu hardy. 
It breaks because you chose the new QFormLayout for the metadata editor
window -- and I see the benefits of this class at the qt doc.

*But* it breaks compilation for most developers and needs a fix ASAP.

1. find a way to upgrade to qt4.4 (for developers I mean) or 
2. not break compilation for qt4.3. The second can be either a) comment
out the new feature with #ifdefs or b) relay on qt4.3 classes (or maybe
implement both selecting the one to use with a macro -- this will
facilitate the migration to qt4.4).

I've tried 1. unsuccessfully. I've installed qt4-dev from
hardy-backpors, reinstalled CLAM, and when compiling NE i got this:

$ scons
scons: Reading SConscript files ...

scons: warning: QTDIR variable is not defined, using moc executable as a
hint (QTDIR=/usr)
File "/home/parumi/local/share/clam/sconstools/qt4.py", line 207, in
Loading nsis tool...
Lodading dmg tool...
Version:  1.2.1
Package version:  1.2.1~svn11755
Package QtOpenGL was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `QtOpenGL.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'QtOpenGL' found
OSError: 'pkg-config QtCore QtGui QtOpenGL QtXml QtSvg QtUiTools --libs
--cflags' exited 1:
  File "/home/parumi/clam/NetworkEditor/SConstruct", line 91:
  File "/home/parumi/local/share/clam/sconstools/qt4.py", line 462:
    self.ParseConfig('pkg-config %s --libs --cflags'% '
  File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 1288:
    return function(self, self.backtick(command))
  File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 514:
    raise OSError("'%s' exited %d" % (command, status))

So I've downgraded back to qt4.3 (and found this non-trivial).

David, since this is a major blocking issue, silence for 2 hours will
mean "Please, revert my commit" :-)


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