Hi there,

Some time ago somebody wrote, and somebody else replied:

>>>> Why not just run freshclam as a daemon?
>>> Then you really need to have a daemon watcher to keep it going.

Talk of freshclam dying gives me some discomfort, yet in almost two
years running freshclam as a daemon on two - not particularly busy -
servers I've never seen it fail.  It uses around a megabyte of memory
on a machine with 2G of RAM and, doing hourly updates, it takes maybe
three seconds of CPU per month on a 1GHz twin-processor Pentium box.

Naturally if freshclam dies we can expect people to mention it.  I'm
calling for those who run freshclam as a daemon and who don't see any
problems with it to chip into this thread.  How many of us are there?

Here are the non-comment line in my config in case it has a bearing:

DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
UpdateLogFile /tmp/.clam/freshclam.log
PidFile /var/run/clam/freshclam.pid
DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror db.uk.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
MaxAttempts 5
Checks 24

Here's how I start it:

/usr/local/bin/freshclam -d --daemon-notify=/etc/mail/clamav/clamd.conf

Does anyone have any clues to the reasons behind freshclam's apparent
unreliability under some circumstances?  Bad DB servers?  Mail load?
Swap?  Locking?  Conflict with other processes?  OS?  Libraries?  ...


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