Hi there,

On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 Stephen Gran wrote:

> I have seen freshclam fail several times when run as a daemon, but
> all in exactly the same way - stuck in a read() on a network socket.
> This problem has been fixed for some time, and I have not seen
> another failure since the fix went in.

That's useful information, thanks.  In the changelog I see this, which
seems a little too recent to be described as "fixed for some time".

Mon Aug  7 20:49:48 CEST 2006
    - freshclam/manager.c: fix possible infinite loop when read() fails
      in get_database(), spotted by Everton da Silva Marques

Is it the fix to which you refer?

Can anyone who has seen freshclam hang say whether or not they've seen
it hang after installing a version later than the release of Aug 7 2006?
I believe that this would be version 0.88.4 or later.

>From the response I've seen to my original request I have renewed faith
in freshclam. :)  Perhaps when I was using versions earlier than 0.88.4
the network and the mirrors in the UK were more reliable than elsewhere.


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