Dave Warren wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> John Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sander Holthaus wrote:

A tempfail is not a disaster in most scenarios. You may not be able to
receive mail until it is fixed, but you still get the mail after it is
I think that attitude works fine in trivially small email environments.

I don't think it works at all in environments where you've got an enterprise email system in a mission critical environment, where having an email delayed significantly can have financial implications.

If having an email delayed causes significant financial implications,
you've got more serious underlying issues.  SMTP is a best-effort
process, there is absolutely no guarantee of delivery at all, let alone
timely delivery.

While I agree with you, the fact is I don't make policies. I can't _stop_ people from sending grants applications through email. I can't stop them from doing business transaction confirmations through email. And I can't force the top level management (most of whom are faculty who have done those two things in the past) to recognize the reality of what SMTP is, and was designed for.

It's hard enough to just get them to accept that email is not an instant communication mechanism.

(and, really, I wouldn't need to do virus scanning at all if I could get them to listen to technical realities, because they wouldn't be trying to use email as a file transfer mechanism, and I could block all of that traffic)

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