Randal, Phil wrote:
Does clamav have any certificate of any labs like www.icsalabs.com?

And how does that make it a better product, exactly?

Who said anything about a better product?

Certification doesn't indicate a better product. It indicates either that someone has shown that it has compliance with a given standard OR that some agent has done some assessing reliability/accuracy/etc. of the product and put their name/reputation forward as an assurance of that assessment.

The reason why the latter might be useful is when doing due diligence in designing a project, so that the sponsors/customers of the project know that the elements of the project aren't being taken on a whim. It may also allow you to offload liability, to some degree, on some outside agent.

Obviously, it's better to get your certifications from reputable agents than not, since the value of the certification is based upon the reputation of the certification agent.

Not very useful to hobbyists or computer scientists (where due diligence takes a back seat to more technical issues), but very useful to professionals and engineers (where due diligence should be a high priority).

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