Gerard Seibert wrote:
> On Monday November 12, 2007 at 01:29:41 (PM) David F. Skoll wrote:
>> A request: When replying to an e-mail, please change the subject if it
>> no longer reflects the thread topic.  I've been eagerly awaiting word
>> on my complaings about PhishingScanURLs from Clam developers and the
>> misleading subjects are giving me false hope that this problem will
>> actually be addressed...
> That is not going to do a lot of good. The message will still be threaded 
> with all
> the other messages in that discussion. A new message should be constructed
> to start a new discussion when the subject changes.
> Out of curiosity, what is so difficult about setting 'PhishingScanURLs off' in
> the 'clamd.conf' file? Since the developers made that feature configurable,
> they have in fact addressed the issue.

What if you're not accessing clamav via clamd?

I don't need it to be off by default, but it'd be nice to be able to set 
the default setting as an argument to 'configure', since the method I 
use for accessing clamav doesn't let me turn it on and off (the perl 

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