>> rsync rsync://rsync.mirror.msrbl.com/msrbl/MSRBL-Images-FULL-SoN.hdb
>> -rw-r--r--    19030813 2009/10/07 15:50:05 MSRBL-Images-FULL-SoN.hdb
> Only the clueless would use that database.

Which is irrelevant to the point.  The point isn't "is it a
reasonable/accurate/etc. database", the point is "it is/was still
active within the last few months", exactly within the behavior I
described.  Which goes back to the main point: your claims about other
people's projects aren't credible.

> Final thoughts: It's my script, if I want to remove a database (with or
> without justification), my prerogative.

No one said otherwise.  I didn't say "you can't remove them".  I asked
about the source of your claim that they're no longer providing
updates, when they're still within the larger scope of their past
behaviors.  Given that you make unqualified claims about other
people's projects, I was asking for the source of your claim, so that
I could judge if it was real (and react accordingly in my own clamav
signature update script), or another assertion without credibility on
your part.
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