Andrew Haley wrote:
This URL is an absolute URL because its path begins with a "/":


[ An absolute file URL can look like:

   absoluteURI = "file" ":" abs_path
   abs_path = "/" path_segments

That is, there is no need for "//".

I don't see that in any of the specs. Technically, "file:/tmp/foo.html" is not a valid URI, as far as I can tell. I notice that firefox rewrites it (in the navigation bar) to "file:///tmp/foo.html".

Now in practice we may want to allow "file:/tmp/foo.html", but it should be viewed as an unofficial short-hand for "file:///tmp/foo.html".

And indeed, the URL spec in the
SDK docs says 'If the spec's path component begins with a slash
character "/" then the path is treated as absolute...' ]

The *path* is absolute, but the URI isn't.

This matters when resolving a relative URL against a base URI, such as he URL of the containing document.

If we have a base URI ""; and a reference "/tmp/foo.html" then the resolved URI is "";.

But we parse the spec looking for "//" to determine if a URL is

A URL is absolute *only* if it has a "scheme".

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