John Keiser writes:
 > I've been doing some heavy thinking about jnilink. 

I must be missing something here. What exactly is jnilink?
Specific to Classpath, used internally to implement the
native parts?

 > LINK_LinkClass(env,theClass,"java/lang/Integer");
 > LINK_LinkMethod(env,theMethod,intClass,"intValue","()I");
 > LINK_LinkField(env,theField,intClass,"TYPE","Ljava/lang/Class");
 > LINK_LinkStaticField, LINK_LinkStaticMethod, LINK_LinkConstructor, and
 > LINK_LinkKnownClass are also still provided.  LINK_UnlinkClass is provided
 > as well, for when the class is unloaded, so that jnilink will be able to
 > free the global references or weak global references it has created.

This is interesting. I came up with a quite bulky set of C++
classes to cache such information. I take it these are
C macros? Is that part of Classpath (if it is) modular
enough to make use of that separately, in other JNI projects?

 >      I am hoping that these changes will make it much easier to use.  If
 > everyone who's been using it approves, the new version will be committed
 > tonight.

Raises another question - where do I do an anonCVS for classpath


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