I do not think that adding tags is the right thing 
to do, ultimately. I have to dig out some weave/tangle
references with respect to SGML, but for the moment
just for SGML: www.sgmltools.org

What I think is that, within the /** javadoc */ pieces,
SGML should be used instead of HTML. The most convenient
thing would be restriction to one DTD - in this case,
ORA's/Davenport group's DocBook DTD. There have been
discussions about using JavaCC to generate SGML from
Java source (parsing of class and method definitions
is needed in any case). JavaCC (source n/a to my knowledge)
is not a good choice, maybe.

I suggested this once to javadoc-comments@sun. I was told
that the SMI engineer responsible decided to use XML instead
of SGML (doesn't make much difference to me, as XML is SGML
with a different SGML declaration to my understanding). So,
JDK 1.2 Javadoc (or 1.2.x or 1.x) is supposed ot use XML.

See www.clark.com/xml/ for XP, a Java XML parser.

I think the most crucical issue when replacing javadoc is
to decide whether the source or the doc is primary. Javadoc
still sees source as primary (readily compilable), while a
weave/tangle approach requires an extraction to generate
source. If one sticks to the javadoc approach, weaving the
comments into the Java source becomes more involved. Java
seems to be well suited for a web-like approach. Most coders
abhorr this, though :-)

Finally, the only Javadoc replacement I am aware of is
doc++, which has long since been abandoned. It suffers
from targetting HTML and LaTeX (mut-ex), instead of SGML.
http://www.zib.de/Visual/software/doc++/. GPL'ed, so it
might be worth a look (and maybe ripping of some stuff
for a Java implementation). It parses C++ as well, so
a lot of source could probably be omitted entirely.

In any case: instead of a proliferation of @tags, I
would suggest a simple extraction of /** */, preferably
implicitely or eplicitely labelled and sorted by label,
that create a valid SGML document in a DocBook or
JavaDoc DTD. Generating implicitely labelled sections
from classes, methods, and variables and adding them
to the /** */ fragments (including predefined id's for
cross references) stays a separate task then. See e.g.
the doc++ /// comments for a counter-example.

For a fistfull of cents,


P.S.: wish I had the time to Do This Right...

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