Keep in mind that a workaround for this is to explicitly qualify the
method with the desired class (ie. the one where the method is actually

In other words, instead of
in the source code, use

The only problem I see with this approach is if EncoderEightBitLookup is
not accessible when Encoder8859_1 is.  Then an alternative workaround
would be to modify Encoder8859_1 by adding this method:
  public static void loadTable() { super.loadTable(); }

I'm not familiar with the ORP code, but these workarounds shouldn't be
too hard.

Do you want me to file a PR for the gcc bug?  I've yet to get a working
compile of gcj on my cygwin box, so I'm not sure how well I would do on
bug reporting.

Mark Wielaard wrote:
> That (and the example) seems to make sense. But it also means that we
> don't have one bug in jikes, but two bugs, one in ORP and one in gcj
> byte code generation. Sigh.
> That basicly means we don't recommend jikes 1.15a for this Classpath
> release and ORP 1.0.9, or we wait for a new ORP release with a fix.
> Hmmmm. I would opt for releasing now and adding a note about this
> problem (with newer versions of jikes and ORP) to the README/INSTALL
> file. Or we could try to produce a patch for ORP, but I am not sure that
> is very easy.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  BYU student, free software programmer

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