>>>>> "Stuart" == Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stuart> Okay, I've posted experimental and incomplete HTMLified
Stuart> comparisions of Classpath vs JDK1.1, JDK1.2 and JDK1.3, linked
Stuart> from http://rainbow.netreach.net/~sballard/japi and
Stuart> regenerated nightly at around 3.


Are you taking feature requests?  I'd like it if the package name for
a given comparison linked to detailed information about the
differences in the package.  I'm thinking that easy bugs (e.g.,
missing "final", wrong protections, etc) can be fixed immediately if
there is an easy way to see them.

Stuart> It would be really nice to get JDK1.4 in there too (I'm not
Stuart> sure if the big purple bar on java.sql is a false result due
Stuart> to adding 1.4's features or whether it's real)

It's more work, but you could eliminate false problems by reading all
the APIs at once and only mentioning something as an error if it
disagrees with 1.4.

Stuart> Anyone with connections in the libgcj camp, you're welcome to
Stuart> post a libgcj.japi.gz file somewhere nightly and I'll do the
Stuart> same...

It will take some time, probably a long time, but eventually I'll do


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