> FYI:  There are interesting "standard" system properties
> that could be used for this:
> java.specification.version 0.06
> java.specification.vendor  Gnu
> java.specification.name    Classpath

No - specifications come from Sun only. The only thing Classpath can
define (or rather the VM using Classpath) is:

java.vm.version  Java Virtual Machine implementation version
java.vm.vendor   Java Virtual Machine implementation vendor
java.vm.name     Java Virtual Machine implementation name

Classpath will have to define its own property strings for anything

But it seems to me that even if version numbers could be used the
basic scenario will be as follows:

1. Application developer writes app
2. Developer runs against Classpath and discovers unimplemented
methods through some exception being thrown
3. Developer changes app to protect calls to such methods with a
classpath version check.

So there will still need to be an exception mechanism to discover the
methods that are not implemented.

Further anytime a new Classpath version comes out the developer has to
check all of the now implemented methods and update the version number
for any still not implemented. I can't see people making that effort.

David Holmes

Classpath mailing list

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