
On Sun, 2003-11-23 at 13:42, Patrik Reali wrote:
> I completely agree and support your wishes! In fact, it would be nice if the
> whole classpath and its documentation (javadoc) would be rebuilt on a
> regular base and offered through the website.

It has to be hosted on something different then www.gnu.org website for
now. After the compromise a few months ago they are a bit more paranoid
about allowing automatic uploads/updates of files on the server. There
is a new system in place now to make releases of packages on ftp.gnu.org
easier so I can ask again if we can get some sort of automatic upload of
the generated HTML pages to www.gnu.org, but it would be nice if we
already have something in place that works somewhere else.

Would someone be willing to try to set that up?
Could someone host the auto-generated documentation for now?



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