
I've just checked in a new version of the Mauve testcase for Unicode
character handling.  This fixes previous problems that resulted in
huge numbers of test failures with the current version of Classpath.
[It turns out that they were partly because the testcase used an old
Unicode table, but mostly because of testcase bugs; i.e. tests that
were wrong vis-a-vis the JDK 1.4 javadoc.]

The testcase now runs clean for JDK 1.4.2 as well as Kissme/Classpath
from CVS.

The interesting thing is that the test run 200 times faster with JDK 1.4.2
than with Kissme.  Yes TWO HUNDRED TIMES!

$ cat /tmp/foo

$ /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/java -cp ../mauve gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness \
   -debug < /tmp/foo
Reading unicode database...
Benchmark : load:288ms   tests:505ms
0 of 3578944 tests failed

$ useful_scripts/kissme -cp ../mauve gnu.testlet.SimpleTestHarness -debug < /tmp/foo
Reading unicode database...
Benchmark : load:13892ms   tests:104699ms
0 of 3578944 tests failed

(This is on a 2.5Ghz Pentium IV)

Question: what figures do people get with other open source VMs?

-- Steve

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