
I notice that we used to have a class AWTUtilities in gnu.java.awt that mirrors the functionality of SwingUtilities for access in AWT. This seems to be removed and replaced by references to SwingUtilities inside of AWT. I don't think that this is a good idea at all. I can imagine that Swing is not needed in some applications (embedded systems, etc) and could be ripped out of the Classpath. Having dependencies from AWT into Swing makes this more confusing.

OTOH it is not nice to have code duplicated, so I can understand this move.

Anyway, I would like to have this cleaned up. My proposal is this:

- we revive the AWTUtilities (actually I already did, but for a different purpose)
- switch references to SwingUtilities into AWTUtilities
- let SwingUtilities wrap its calls into calls to AWTUtilities

Any comments on that? If there are no arguments against this, I would do this cleanup after the release.


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