Am Samstag, den 17.09.2005, 18:37 +0000 schrieb theUser BL:
> Hi!
> Why use GNU Classpath a Swing-Demo program, which can't run on Suns Java?

That must be an accident.


Looks like the problem here is that the GNULookAndFeel uses icons which
are included in Classpath only within the gnu.* namespace. Of course
this is not good, they should actually be included in the
file. As a workaround you could include the in the classpath.

However when you try the -Dswing.defaultlaf option (which should bypass
the GNULookAndFeel and load the MetalLookAndFeel), then write it
_before_ the classname. This way you should be able to start up the
Swing demo with Sun's JVM.

> At
> I have then tried to use Suns Java 1.5. And have additionally used both 
> possible LookAndFeel-option.

See above for the LookAndFeel option.


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