Hi Tom,

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 09:17 -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Mark" == Mark Wielaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mark> And another doing:
> Mark> source setup; cd Nightly;
> Mark> gij -cp /home/cpdev/ircbot/pircbot.jar:/home/cpdev/ircbot/cpbot.jar
> Mark> gnu.classpath.ircbot.Main
> Mark> (irc seems a bit flaky so sometimes our little bot needs to be restarted
> Mark> by hand)
> Could we change the bot to restart itself on failure?

Probably, but I haven't looked very closely at the source. What seems to
happen is that the irc server sometimes just "traps" the bot and doesn't
let it join a channel, I haven't found out why. Often it happens for a
couple times so I need to restart the bot till it clear up.

> Mark> I haven't figured out how to easily share this screen setup. Screen
> Mark> seems to not like being run from a sudo su cpdev session :{
> Mark> Any hints or tips appreciated.
> Instead of screen we could run it in the background, and provide a
> couple scripts to start and stop it.  We could also add an '@reboot'
> cron job to make sure it starts when the machine is rebooted.

Yeah, that is probably better. I thought the screen idea was nicer since
you can in principle share it, but apparently that doesn't work well
when su-ing to a different user since screen gets confused about the
controlling terminal.



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