
On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 10:53 +0100, Roman Kennke wrote:
> > But in general, I do not appreciate what Aicas has been doing nor do  
> > I find it valuable. All I see this work doing is making Classpath's  
> > native implementation of things less and less maintainable, with a  
> > benefit that is utterly unclear to me.
> > I vote that they stop changing the native libraries of Classpath  
> > immediately,
> Aye. We will do so. Please feel free to revert the native code to the
> state of the 0.20 release.
> I and Aicas really don't want to discuss all this again. This was an
> attempt to improve the situation a bit by providing the posix layer,
> which was worked out with respect to suggestions that were made in the
> last discussion about that one year ago. All this costs a *lot* of time
> and if that is not valuable to Classpath we can plug ourselves out and
> do our thing on the VM interface level.

BTW, I do see a benefit for non-posix-like systems. And I would very
much like to have something next to a clean autoconfiscated reference
implementation (for Posix like systems, GNU/Linux, Solaris, Darwin,
*BSD, cygwin, etc). There main trouble I see is that you try to
represent the posix layer as another target-layer and that means a lot
of ugliness for no apparent benefit. If there was a good way to put the
target-layer next to the autoconfiscated/posix-layer that would be my
ideal solution. And I think with our VM-interface-classes that should
not be too hard.

Another reason for the somewhat hostile reception of some of the new
code is because you are really too sloppy testing your patches, it takes
people real time and energy to get their systems working again after you
changed things. You should try to never break a working setup of one of
the active hackers. At least ask whether people can try changes if you
are unsure it might break on someones system. Mistakes happen, and we
cannot support every configuration flawlessly all the time, but the main
platforms (GNU/Linux, *BSD, Darwin, etc) should keep working. Please do
try a little harder to not accidentally breaking other peoples setup and
I think people will be a lot more receptive to your changes.



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