On 04/24/2012 02:29 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Hi there.
>> I want to reanimate a discussion from 2007 [1,2] about the
>> Assertion/System Assertion handling. As far as I know GNU Classpath
>> can't distinguish between normal assertions (-ea/-eanableassertions)
>> and
>> assertions for system classes (-esa/-enablesystemassertions, i.e.
>> classes with no classloader [3]).
>> The only interface for the VM is the method
>> VMClassLoader.defaultAssertionStatus(). It is not clear if this is
>> supposed to return the system assertion status or the normal
>> assertion
>> status (vm integration doc [4] vs. javadoc [5]). On the one hand, it
>> is
>> used to set the defaultAssertionStatus for java.lang.ClassLoader [6]
>> which would imply that it is the normal assertion status. On the
>> other
>> hand, the very same flag is used for setting the assertion status for
>> system class in java.lang.Class (desiredAssertionStatus)[7].
>> I think we need two dedicated methods in VMClassLoader.
>> getDefaultAssertionStatus() for normal assertions (i.e. -ea) and
>> getDefaultSystemAssertionStatus() for system assertions (i.e. -esa).
>> ClassLoader should use VMClassLoader.getDefaultAssertionStatus() as
>> its
>> default value and Class.getDesiredAssertionStatus() should use
>> VMClassLoader.defaultSystemAssertionStatus() for system classes.
>> I understand that this would be a rather big change because all VMs
>> using GNU Classpath will fail if they do not adopt their
>> VMClassLoader
>> accordingly.
>> I want to revitalize the discussion on this topic and I'm ready to
>> prepare a patch for this issue but things should be discussed first
>> ;).
>> I hope my explanations are somehow understandable ;).
>> - josef
>> PS: I think the patch from 2007 is does not fix this issue as it does
>> not modify java.lang.Class and java.lang.Classloader receptively.
>> [1]:
>> http://developer.classpath.org/pipermail/classpath-patches/2007-August/005601.html
>> [2]:
>> http://developer.classpath.org/pipermail/classpath-patches/2007-September/005605.html
>> [3]:
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/lang/assert.html#enable-disable
>> [4]:
>> http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/docs/cp-vmintegration.html#SEC7
>> [5]:
>> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/classpath.git/tree/vm/reference/java/lang/VMClassLoader.java?id=18f4bdd925d1a78d11598fb23dcaf1110772dcae#n334
>> [6]:
>> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/classpath.git/tree/java/lang/ClassLoader.java?id=18f4bdd925d1a78d11598fb23dcaf1110772dcae#n220
>> [7]:
>> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/classpath.git/tree/java/lang/Class.java?id=18f4bdd925d1a78d11598fb23dcaf1110772dcae#n1233
> You're right.  The issue is here:
> "But if you use them with no arguments (-ea or -da), they do not apply to 
> system classes."
> (from http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/JavaLP/assertions/)
> Both when the classloader is null (a system class) and when there is no class 
> or package-specific setting, the same default setting
> from VMClassLoader.defaultAssertionStatus() is used. 
> There should instead a separate method for system classes as you mention: 
> VMClassLoader.getSystemAssertionStatus()
> (I don't think it needs to be called default because it can't be overridden 
> by the class/package settings).
> As we're just after a release (0.99), this would be an ideal time to add that 
> method.

fyi: I've proposed a patch for this issue on the classpath-patches
mailing list.


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