>>>I've gone into the code and the only thing I can image that occurs is that the web.config of one virtual directory is configured twice for the same AppDomain.
>>Again, I'm curious, is one a child directory of another mount?
>>Either physical or virtual path (or both?)
>I'm mounting the directory D:\Web\IssueTracker
>D:\Web isn't mounted, and both D:\Web and D:\ doesn't contain a web.config (no files at all actualy)

Hmmm - so do you mean you have only one AspNetMount directive?
If not I'm wondering - is one nested inside another?

I was using 3 aspnetmount directives, all subdirectories of D:\Web (so D:\Web\....), I've even removed two of the to test wether this makes any difference, but it doesn't.

Somehow the web.config file of the site is configured multiple times.

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