On Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:06:40 -0500
Chouser <chou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 4:47 PM, r <nbs.pub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Is is possible to use some kind of backend storage for Clojure's
> > data structures? I mean something like Perl's "tie" function that
> > makes data structures persistent (in sense of storage, not
> > immutability).
> >
> > Such storage should be inherently immutable the way Clojure's data
> > are (so a simple wrapper on sql is probably not good enough) and
> > provide means of querying database and indexing (ideally
> > multidimensional).
> I would looove this.

This occurred to me the other day as well; the name "Mnejia" which
popped into my head says a lot about the sort of thing I had in mind :)

> > I wonder if this could be at library level or would rather have to
> > be hard-coded into Clojure itself. Did anyone try to do it?
> I've pondered a couple approaches, though only enough to find
> problems.
> One approach would work act like a Clojure collection, with structural
> sharing on-disk.  This would be great because it would have
> multi-versioning and transaction features built right in.  It would
> also have the potential to cache some data in memory while managing
> reads and writes to disk.

This is an interesting observation.

Something in the vein of OTP's Mnesia for Clojure would be *very* cool
indeed, and I have been thinking a lot about ways to implement
distribution mechanisms for Clojure on top of which such a thing could
be built. I imagine however that even sans distribution it would be
quite powerful and useful, and a fun project.

[ Mostly off-topic musings follow :) ]

The big problem with mimicking Mnesia for distribution is that a lot of
Erlang distribution idioms (used heavily in Mnesia AFAIK) rely on BEAM's
ability to marshall funs across the network (and indeed I think Mnesia
can even use that to serialize them on disk tables). If serialization of
a fun is possible in Clojure, doing it is way over my head :) Obviously
if you can serialize the sexp before the compiler gets ahold of it, this
is easy, but usually you don't get that lucky.

If one were able to marshall a Clojure fun, I had envisioned
constructing a sort of "distributed send", probably built atop one of
the many good message-queueing protocols already extant, that can be
used to cause that fun to be run on a remote Agent, giving you a more
Clojure-flavored distribution mechanism. Not RPC, but not exactly Actor
model either.

Hmmmm... :)


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