I attached the source code since indentation disappear when I paste code 
in mails.

Christophe Grand a écrit :
> aria42 a écrit :
>> I decided to code Tarjan's Algorithm for finding all the
>> strongly connected components of a graph (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
>> Tarjan's_strongly_connected_components_algorithm). I've written this
>> code in Java and it's about a 100 lines. Sadly, my clojure version is
>> about a 100 lines too. I am more-or-less translating my java code
>> (which is more or less translated from Psuedo-Code), but I don't see a
>> good way to make this problem more functional, but this is probably
>> due to my imperative roots.
> I don't think that using one hashmap to store, for each node, its index, 
> low-index, its on-stack state, its neighbours etc. is a good choice: you 
> should try to store these data into separate hashmaps — keyed on nodes.
> Here is my attempt, translated from the wikipedia's pseudocode.

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(defn tarjan [e v0]
  (let [tarjan-helper 
         (fn self [v s indices lowlinks index sccs]
           (let [main ; the body of the forall loop
                  (fn [[s indices lowlinks index sccs :as state] vp]
                      (nil? (indices vp)) ; Was successor v' visited? 
                        (let [[s indices lowlinks index sccs] 
                                (apply self vp state)
                              lowlinks (assoc lowlinks v (min (lowlinks v) 
                                                           (lowlinks vp)))]
                          [s indices lowlinks index sccs])
                      (some #{vp} s) ; Is v' on the stack? (crude)
                        (let [lowlinks (assoc lowlinks v (min (lowlinks v) 
                                                           (lowlinks vp)))]
                          [s indices lowlinks index sccs])
                      :else state))

                 ; the forall loop is now a reduction on successors
                 [s indices lowlinks index sccs] 
                   (reduce main [(cons v s) 
                                 (assoc indices v index) 
                                 (assoc lowlinks v index) 
                                 (inc index)
                                 sccs] (e v))]

             (if (= (lowlinks v) (indices v))
               ; conjoin the newly found scc to sccs and 
               ; remove its vertices from the stack
               (let [[a b] (split-with #(not= v %) s)
                     sccs (conj sccs (concat a [v]))]
                 [(rest b) indices lowlinks index sccs])
               [s indices lowlinks index sccs])))]

    (last (tarjan-helper v0 nil {} {} 0 []))))

(tarjan {:a [:b :c] :b [:c] :c [:a] :d [:e] :e [:a]} :e)

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