Hello sir,

I would have asked this question in the thread but , I don't want to create
noise over this issue.
I have not been able to get my head around your code or Clojure. I need some

(defn top-words-core [s]
     (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (%1 %2 0))) {}
             (re-seq #"\w+"
                     (.toLowerCase s))))

My little understanding of Inc is that it returns a number greater  than the
arg. That's clear to me, however, which argument is passed here (%1 %2 0)
Please try as much as you can to simplify your explanation because this may
assist me in making a great leap in the learning of of Clojure. Again,
#(%)[3 4] works because of closure, so when you apply reduce function of
#(.........) does it suspend #(........) closure capability.


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