On Dec 30, 2:49 pm, wubbie <sunj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very criptic for newbie.
> What  does "Threads the expr through the forms." mean?

Shameless plug, if you find learning from examples easier than textual
descriptions, you might want to look up
I'm trying to fully cover the entire API with snippets and examples as
I come across them... its pretty well fleshed out now, but still some
gaps to fill

In this case the entry is:


user=> (-> "hello" .toUpperCase (.replace "H" "J"))

However -> works on everything
user=> (-> true (if inc dec) (map [1 2 3]))
(2 3 4)

or expanded
  (map (if true inc dec) [1 2 3])

So one can also use macros and normal functions in ->, ie. non-

In this case -> is pretty difficult to get your head around in either
example or textual though, so YMMV :)
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