On 21.01.2009, at 20:33, Rich Hickey wrote:

> I've started documenting the streams work I have been doing, for those
> interested:
> http://clojure.org/streams


I have played a bit with the stream implementation, and I came across  
a behaviour that I do not understand:

First, define a random stream that calls rand, and an iter on it:

        (def rand-stream (stream (fn [_] (rand))))
        (def rand-iter (stream-iter rand-stream))

Calling it a few times shows that it works:

        (next! rand-iter nil)
        (next! rand-iter nil)

Next, try to use it as a seq:

        (take 4 rand-stream)

This fails, as it should:

        java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already iterating (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Detach the iter and try again:

        (detach! rand-iter)
        (take 4 rand-stream)

Now it works - fine. But what happened to the seq that now owns the  
stream? Nothing refers to it, so it should be gone. Did it perhaps  
liberate the stream, so that I can create an iter again? Let's try:

        (def rand-iter (stream-iter rand-stream))
        (next! rand-iter nil)
        (next! rand-iter nil)

It seems so. But... let's be mean:

        (take 4 rand-stream)

I would expect this to throw the IllegalStateException again, but it  
doesn't: it returns the same four-number sequence as the last time it  
was called. Where was that one stored? In the stream itself? Or does  
the stream keep a reference to the seq, so that it never disappears?  
But then I shouldn't be able to create another iterator.

Let's be mean again:

        (next! rand-iter nil)
        (take 10 rand-stream)
        (next! rand-iter nil)
        (next! rand-iter nil)
        (take 15 rand-stream)

All of these work - it seems I have both an iter and a seq on the  
same stream, with the iter returning values that are also in the seq.


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